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Activities 2024

Activities that promote resilience, inclusion, and mental health at the University of Porto.


Workshop Soft skills for your Erasmus Experience

Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Data: 22/01/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: English

Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Data: 22/01/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese

Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Data: 26/08/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: English

Treinar habilidades interpessoais em estudantes internacionais para interagir efetivamente com outras pessoas; Gerir o tempo: lidar com responsabilidades os vários papéis de vida; Tomar decisões ponderadas; desenvolver habilidades de adaptação e comunicação em diferentes idiomas, treinar a Resolução de problemas e lidar com desafios inesperados; melhorar a Autoconfiança: superar barreiras linguísticas, adaptar-se a uma nova cultura e lidar com situações desconhecidas, pedir ajuda e expressar independentemente da situação; incrementar a adaptação à imprevisibilidade: ser flexível; melhorar a autoconsciência: Refletir sobre suas experiências, pontos fortes e a melhorar.

  • Data: 26/08/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Workshop 2nd edition: Healthy Relationships Love and its multiple languages: "Love Week - Valentine's Day"

Recognize the five different ways in which we feel loved and valued. Discover and understand our partner's love language. Develop a healthy and happy relationship.

  • Data: 16/02/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Interview with AEFLUP about test anxiety

Developing self-care strategies at exam time, boosting mental health in times of stress.

  • Data: 21/02/2024
  • Regime: Suporte Escrito
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Screening + Life (STDs) European Testing Week

Facilitating access to STD prevention and screening.

  • Data: 24/04/2024
  • Regime: Presencial
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese/English
Webinar Sexually Transmitted Infections: from prevention to detection (given by a gynaecologist)

To provide students with medical information on the prevention and detection of STDs, to promote assertiveness and consent in intimate relationships.

  • Data: 02/05/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Workshop 2nd edition: Managing test anxiety

Training strategies for dealing with anxiety and stress during exam season.

  • Data: 23/05/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Seminar for Students of the Master's Degree in Psychiatry and Mental Health at FMUP focused on promoting mental health in Higher Education following the BAMBUP programme

Provide students with tools for signalling and referring cases of mental illness among peers.

  • Data: 06/07/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Developing the five dimensions of emotional intelligence 1) self-knowledge of emotions; (2) self-regulation of emotions; (3) motivation; (4) empathy (5) and social skills - relationship management. It aims to promote lower levels of anxiety and stress; greater empathy for others; more emotional balance; greater clarity in life goals and decision-making capacity; better time management; increased productivity and commitment to goals; and greater self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • Data: 08/07/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Webinar 2nd edition: "Entry to Higher Education: opportunities and challenges"

Promoting adaptation to ES; Held as part of World Mental Health Day.

  • Data: 10/10/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese
Mindfulness Workshop - 1st edition

Training tools to restore balance between personal and academic life; Held as part of World Mental Health Day.

  • Data: 10/10/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: SASUP employees
  • Language: Portuguese
Workshop "Combating intrusive thoughts" - 2nd edition

Develop strategies to improve the ability to deal with intrusive and ruminative thoughts.

  • Data: 22/10/2024
  • Regime: Remoto
  • Recipients: UP students
  • Language: Portuguese

BE RESI and Risks and Challenges Programme

Group psychological intervention in university residences BE RESI (2nd Edition)

Development of group psychological resilience skills in the behavioural, cognitive, affective and relational domains

  • Molecules:
    • 1 - Behavioural - 22/05/2024
    • 2 - Cognitive - 29/05/2024
    • 3 - Affective - 05/06/2024
    • 3 - Relational - 12/06/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: Students in UP university residences
  • Language: Portuguese
Group psychological intervention in university residences BE RESI (3rd Edition)

Developing psychological resilience skills in groups.

  • Molecules:
    • 1 - Behavioural - 02/10/2024
    • 2 - Cognitive - 09/10/2024
    • 3 - Affective - 16/10/2024
    • 4 - Relational - 23/10/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: Students in UP university residences
  • Language: Portuguese
Risks and Challenges Programme

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 09/10/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 16/10/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 23/10/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 06/11/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 13/11/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 20/11/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 27/11/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 04/12/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 11/12/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Developing transversal life skills in young university students.

  • Data: 18/12/2024
  • Regime: In person
  • Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
  • Language: Portuguese

Group Psychotherapeutic Interventions


Session 1: 21/10/2024
Session 2: 28/10/2024
Session 3: 04/11/2024
Session 4: 11/11/2024
Session 5: 18/11/2024
Session 6: 25/11/2024
Session 7: 02/12/2024
Session 8: 09/12/2024


Session 1: 22/10/2024
Session 2: 29/10/2024
Session 3: 05/11/2024
Session 4: 12/11/2024
Session 5: 19/11/2024
Session 6: 26/11/2024
Session 7: 03/12/2024
Session 8: 10/12/2024

Emotional dysregulation

Session 1: 23/10/2024
Session 2: 30/10/2024
Session 3: 06/11/2024
Session 4: 13/11/2024
Session 5: 20/11/2024
Session 6: 27/11/2024
Session 7: 04/12/2024