Activities 2024: UP SKILLS | BE RESI and the Risks and Challenges Programme | Group Psychotherapeutic Interventions
Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.
- Data: 22/01/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: English
Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.
- Data: 22/01/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Train interpersonal skills in international students to interact effectively with other people; Manage time: handle responsibilities in various life roles; Make considered decisions; develop adaptation and communication skills in different languages, train in Problem-solving and dealing with unexpected challenges; improve Self-confidence: overcome language barriers, adapt to a new culture and deal with unfamiliar situations, ask for help and express yourself regardless of the situation; increase adaptation to unpredictability: be flexible; improve self-awareness: Reflect on your experiences, strengths and areas for improvement.
- Data: 26/08/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: English
Treinar habilidades interpessoais em estudantes internacionais para interagir efetivamente com outras pessoas; Gerir o tempo: lidar com responsabilidades os vários papéis de vida; Tomar decisões ponderadas; desenvolver habilidades de adaptação e comunicação em diferentes idiomas, treinar a Resolução de problemas e lidar com desafios inesperados; melhorar a Autoconfiança: superar barreiras linguísticas, adaptar-se a uma nova cultura e lidar com situações desconhecidas, pedir ajuda e expressar independentemente da situação; incrementar a adaptação à imprevisibilidade: ser flexível; melhorar a autoconsciência: Refletir sobre suas experiências, pontos fortes e a melhorar.
- Data: 26/08/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Recognize the five different ways in which we feel loved and valued. Discover and understand our partner's love language. Develop a healthy and happy relationship.
- Data: 16/02/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Developing self-care strategies at exam time, boosting mental health in times of stress.
- Data: 21/02/2024
- Regime: Suporte Escrito
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Facilitating access to STD prevention and screening.
- Data: 24/04/2024
- Regime: Presencial
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese/English
To provide students with medical information on the prevention and detection of STDs, to promote assertiveness and consent in intimate relationships.
- Data: 02/05/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Training strategies for dealing with anxiety and stress during exam season.
- Data: 23/05/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Provide students with tools for signalling and referring cases of mental illness among peers.
- Data: 06/07/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Developing the five dimensions of emotional intelligence 1) self-knowledge of emotions; (2) self-regulation of emotions; (3) motivation; (4) empathy (5) and social skills - relationship management. It aims to promote lower levels of anxiety and stress; greater empathy for others; more emotional balance; greater clarity in life goals and decision-making capacity; better time management; increased productivity and commitment to goals; and greater self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Data: 08/07/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Promoting adaptation to ES; Held as part of World Mental Health Day.
- Data: 10/10/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
Training tools to restore balance between personal and academic life; Held as part of World Mental Health Day.
- Data: 10/10/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: SASUP employees
- Language: Portuguese
Develop strategies to improve the ability to deal with intrusive and ruminative thoughts.
- Data: 22/10/2024
- Regime: Remoto
- Recipients: UP students
- Language: Portuguese
BE RESI and Risks and Challenges Programme
Development of group psychological resilience skills in the behavioural, cognitive, affective and relational domains
- Molecules:
- 1 - Behavioural - 22/05/2024
- 2 - Cognitive - 29/05/2024
- 3 - Affective - 05/06/2024
- 3 - Relational - 12/06/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: Students in UP university residences
- Language: Portuguese
Developing psychological resilience skills in groups.
- Molecules:
- 1 - Behavioural - 02/10/2024
- 2 - Cognitive - 09/10/2024
- 3 - Affective - 16/10/2024
- 4 - Relational - 23/10/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: Students in UP university residences
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 09/10/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 16/10/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 23/10/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 06/11/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 13/11/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 20/11/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 27/11/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 04/12/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 11/12/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Developing transversal life skills in young university students.
- Data: 18/12/2024
- Regime: In person
- Recipients: FDUP Mentoring Team
- Language: Portuguese
Group Psychotherapeutic Interventions
Session 1: 21/10/2024
Session 2: 28/10/2024
Session 3: 04/11/2024
Session 4: 11/11/2024
Session 5: 18/11/2024
Session 6: 25/11/2024
Session 7: 02/12/2024
Session 8: 09/12/2024
Session 1: 22/10/2024
Session 2: 29/10/2024
Session 3: 05/11/2024
Session 4: 12/11/2024
Session 5: 19/11/2024
Session 6: 26/11/2024
Session 7: 03/12/2024
Session 8: 10/12/2024
Session 1: 23/10/2024
Session 2: 30/10/2024
Session 3: 06/11/2024
Session 4: 13/11/2024
Session 5: 20/11/2024
Session 6: 27/11/2024
Session 7: 04/12/2024