U.Porto continues to present itself as a Research University by guaranteeing an effective stimulus to the development of research and innovation, governed by regulations which guide its R&D activities and processes.
- Regulation for Research, Science and Technology Staff of the University of Porto
The Regulation for Research, Science and Technology Staff of the University of Porto establishes the norms for contracting, creating and regulating U.Porto's staff careers in research, science and technology. Available in Portuguese. - Regulation for Research Scholarships of the University of Porto
The Regulation for Research Scholarships of the University of Porto regulates the selection, recruitment and legal regime applicable to research scholarship holders funded directly or indirectly by U.Porto. Available in Portuguese. - Regulation on Qualification Exams to Exercise Scientific Coordination Activities of the University of Porto
Approves the regulations for governing access to and completion of the qualifying exams for the exercise of scientific coordination functions. - Intellectual Property Regulation of the University of Porto
Establishes the rules to ensure the protection and valorisation of the R&D (Research & Development) results of the activity carried out by the U.Porto community. Available in Portuguese. - Institutional Affiliation in the Scientific, Cultural and Artistic Production authored by the University of Porto's Academic Community
Reinforces and clarifies the recommendations regarding the mention of institutional affiliation by the U.Porto community. Available in Portuguese. - Open Science Policy of the University of Porto
Updates the previous U.Porto Open Access Policy and guides the activities of the scientific community regarding the availability, access, and reuse of scientific knowledge. It aligns with various documents, including the declaration "Open Access to Scientific Literature" (Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, 2006).
In addition to internal regulations, there are other external regulations which are relevant to U.Porto's scientific community activities.