The institutional address indicates the affiliation of members of the U.Porto Academic Community to one or more institutions with which they are associated with.
In this context, the Directive Nº GR 04/09/2024 (in Portuguese) reinforces and clarifies the recommendations regarding the mention of institutional affiliation in the scientific, cultural, and artistic production authored by the U.Porto Academic Community, aimed at standardizing it, thereby enhancing the recognition and visibility of the University of Porto and its members (faculty, researchers, non-teaching staff, students and scholarship holders).
The designation "Universidade do Porto" must be included explicitly, clearly, and unequivocally .
The institutional address must follow this format :
"Entity YYY, Faculty XXX, Universidade do Porto, rua AAA, 4BBB-CCC Porto, Portugal", where:
- If applicable, "Entity YYY" refers to the research structure (e.g., Research Unit, Participating Entity, Associated Laboratory, or Department) within the U.Porto research ecosystem to which the author is affiliated ;
- If applicable, "Faculty XXX" refers to the Faculty with which the author is associated.
The language used should be Portuguese: 'Universidade do Porto'. In cases the use of the English language is mandatory, 'University of Porto' should be used along with the official translations of EntityYYY and Faculty XXX. The locality should not be translated.
Refer to the Directive Nº GR 04/09/2024 for the list of approved designations for the affiliation of the University of Porto’s research ecosystem faculties, participating entities, and R&D units.