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UP.PT - Faculty of Medicine

Molecular Bioinformatics - A Hands-on Course Online

Bioinformatics is a science that integrates concepts of biology, mathematics, statistics and computer science and is dedicated to the study of biological issues through the analysis of molecular data. Bioinformatics is essential for storing biological data, which grows exponentially, to disseminate information on Web-based platforms, and to analyze and interpret experimental data. Thus, Bioinformatics is an area of knowledge that is constantly developing and updating. This course is relevant not only for the training of undergraduate and graduate students but also for the complementary training of health professionals and technicians.

This course combines teaching, for each topic, of the theoretical concepts and bioinformatics tools available, the practical demonstration of these tools and their application by the students in a desktop computer to solve the proposed scientific questions.

Job Opportunities

- Master essential knowledge of bioinformatics analysis;

- Autonomously use the bioinformatics tools presented, understanding its

- Apply the acquired knowledge on bioinformatics in their professional activity.

- Understand the bioinformatics analyses done by other researchers and promote the establishment of collaborations.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Medicine
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
18 Hours / 2.0 ECTS

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025