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UP.PT - Faculty of Medicine

Gene and cell-based advanced therapies

Innovative theme and growing interest in health; Theoretical and practical scientific competence of the teachers involved in the topics addressed in the course; There is no course in THE UP in this field.

The course is organized in 5 theoretical sessions where the following program contentwill be taught:

1 - Introduction to the theme. A Regulatory framework for Advanced Therapies will be presented.

2 - Gene Therapies: Discussion of fundamentals, Gene Editing and Vectorization Techniques, Production.

3 - Cell Therapies: Presentation of fundamentals. Stem cell and pluripotent therapies. Somatic cell therapy. Production.

4 - Tissue Engineering: Definitions, History. Strategies and applications. Future challenges and trends. Biomaterials. Biocompatibility. Bioengineering products. ISO and Quality Regulations. Production.

5 - Pharmacoeconomic analysis of Advanced Therapies. Products currently marketed. Ethics applied to Advanced Therapeutics.

Job Opportunities

This course aims to make known the different Advanced Therapies, their scientific foundations, their requirements and particularities of development, production and regulation. In addition, it aims to help the integration of this knowledge in the translational development of this type of therapy and in its clinical practice.

Students should be known the different types of advanced therapies existing, their scientific basis, regulatory framework, products currently in the final phase of development and already in commercialization and their clinical applicability.

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Faculty of Medicine
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
81 Hours / 3.0 ECTS

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025