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UP.PT - Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Chinese (3)

A. This level proposes work on a varied typology of texts with increasing degrees of complexity.
B. The deepening of this level is not only about issues related to the functioning of the language, but also about issues related to Chinese culture and literature.
C. Without forgetting the cultural competence, we are looking for a communicative perspective, to lead the students to enrich their interpretation and production skills of speeches of complexity appropriate to the situations required at this level of learning.
D. Acquire a vocabulary proficiency within 1500 Chinese characters.

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Faculty of Arts
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
60 Hours / 3.0 ECTS
Tuition Fee
National: 380.00€

The values shown are indicative. For more information on tuition fees, see the link "Learn more".

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025