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UP.PT - Faculty of Engineering

Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering

The Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (MEB) from FEUP covers a vast range of subjects in the area of Biomedical Engineering and is designed to provide graduates of Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and related fields, with the scientific and technical specialist knowledge necessary to work as professionals in healthcare institutions or companies.

Job Opportunities

Research and development in laboratories, either private or State owned; Development of prostheses and artificial organs; Physiological data monitoring or diagnosis systems design; Electronic implant design and therapy support devices; Development of software applications for health care management and services; Education and training of human resources in the health technology domain; Drafting, assessment, verification of suitability and compliance with biomedical technology norms; Planning, organisation and inspection of facilities dedicated to medical activities; Assistance in the drafting of requirements and procedures for the acquisition and verification of biomedical technology goods and services.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Engineering
Type of Course
Masters Degree
4 Semesters / 120.0 ECTS
Portuguese - Suitable for English - speaking students
Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
National: 1500.00€
International: 6000.00€
CPLP International: 3300.00€

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Ef 2704/2011/AL02 in March 10, 2021


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: April 28, 2020

Validity of accreditation: 6 years

Information from A3ES
Additional information