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UP.PT - Faculty of Engineering

Fault diagnosis in industrial cyber-physical systems

The context of exponential growth in the digitalisation of society and the economy incorporates the massive presence of cyber-physical systems, which create challenges in terms of fault diagnosis and asset management. Although the use of automated monitoring and control procedures is widely accepted and in operation, this use has made infrastructures more susceptible to failures, which can lead to breakdowns with catastrophic damage to operations and severe consequences that affect the daily lives of citizens, particularly critical infrastructures.
The training will provide professionals in electrical, mechanical and computer engineering or equivalent with specialised skills for using more advanced techniques to solve problems in complex systems, thus helping to consolidate the ability to reflect on and critique technical solutions in the area of automatic fault diagnosis.

Job Opportunities

Participation in this course provides initial training in fault diagnosis systems. Despite the introductory nature of the course, participants will be able to join maintenance and/or diagnostic systems development teams for the industrial and service sectors, as well as engineering design offices.

Funding Entities

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Faculty of Engineering
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
40.5 Hours / 1.5 ECTS

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025