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Assessment techniques and instruments

Learning assessment techniques and tools

Techniques and Instruments
Evaluation techniques

They refer to the general methods or approaches used to assess student learning. They can include broad strategies (e.g. observation, testing, analysis, etc.).

Assessment tools

These are specific tools, such as achievement tests, questionnaires, fieldwork, observation grids, portfolios, among others, which are used to collect information and assign a grade or assessment to the student's performance. They are concrete and specific elements that help implement assessment techniques. Each instrument has a defined purpose and is chosen on the basis of the assessment objectives.

The selection of assessment techniques and instruments is influenced by various factors, such as the intended aims and objectives, the object of assessment and the scientific area.

In many cases, an assessment technique may involve combining different instruments to obtain a more comprehensive and accurate view of the students' academic development.

Assessment tools and learning outcomes

The choice of assessment techniques and instruments should be made during teaching planning, ensuring alignment with the objectives, content and activities proposed for learning.


Categorisation of information-gathering techniques and instruments that best suit them
Adapted from TenBrink (1974) Lemos et al., (1993) e Haydt (2008).
Techniques Instruments


Observation grids / Rating scales

Application of tests

Written test / Oral test


Interviews / Questionnaires


Analysing content (reports, portfolios, etc.).


Self-evaluation grids

ATTENTION - The difference between formative and summative assessment is not in the instruments used, but rather in the way the results are used.

Results used for:

  • Sort = Summative assessment
  • Give feedback and guidance to improve learning = Formative evaluation