Reference: POCH-02-53I2-FSE-000051
Program: POCH - Programa Operacional Capital Humano
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: As a subsidiary of this funding from the Resolution and Resilience Plan (PRR), the activities proposed under this application will be directly and indirectly linked to the U.Porto Programme for Multidisciplinary Education and Training - Impulso Jovens STEAM & Impulso Adultos.. (2022-2023)
Workshop 1:
Workshop 2:
Reference: EAC/A03/2028
Program: KA2 – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Coordinator: Université de Montpellier, France
Description: The InPROVE project aims to recognise qualifications and qualify competences using the VAE (Prior Learning Assessment) approach in Algerian universities. The project aims to develop a methodology to be followed for the implementation of VAE by higher education and then to test this methodology in some vocational training courses.(2019-2023)
Completeted projects
Reference: POCH-02-53I2-FSE-000005
Program: POCH - Programa Operacional Capital Humano
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: This "Skills for a Next Generation U.Porto" operation, under the POCH-I2-2022-01 project, presents a mobilising agenda for the reconversion and updating of skills (reskilling and upskilling) at the University itself by promoting the networking of various institutional structures. (2022-2023)
Reference: 2019-1-FR01-KA203-062506
Program: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (KA 203)
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: The aim of the How Long is Too Long (HLITL) project was to enable higher education leaders to adapt and improve their mobility strategies by promoting mobility schemes with a greater impact on students' key competences (multilingualism, digital skills, interpersonal skills, sense of European citizenship, cultural awareness), including mobility schemes that combine distance learning and physical mobility (blended learning).(2019-2022)
Reference: POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022119
Program: PORTUGAL2020
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: The operation aimed to develop a structure for managing and implementing distance learning courses within the consortium, involving infrastructure, equipment and the development of a strategy for articulating the educational offer of the institutions involved. (2017-2020)
Reference: 585760-EPP-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-jp
Coordinator: Yerevan State University, Arménia
Description: Promoting innovative teaching and learning strategies to improve the educational experience in Eastern partner countries. The main objectives were: to improve the learning experience of students in partner countries (PC) in line with the 2020 ET (education and training) objectives by promoting development and innovation in teaching and learning (T&L), supporting the integration of technology and research and the dissemination of good practices; modernising higher education in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus in line with the Bologna agenda, and establishing cooperation in education and training between the European Union (EU) and partner countries and between CPs, promoting virtual mobility of teachers and students and improving lifelong learning resources and means. (2017-2021)
Reference: 573674-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Program: ERASMUS+ Ação Chave 2 – Capacity Building
Coordinator: Universidad de Cadiz, Spain
Description: Its main objective was to implement the e-portfolio approach in a digital environment at Moroccan partner universities, enabling students, as future graduates, to develop digital visibility by capitalising on the training they have acquired and the skills they have gained during their academic career. The e-VAL platform, proposed in the context of the project, was intended to be a tool to support students' professional integration. (2017-2020)
Reference: 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065656
ProgramReference: Erasmus + Strategic partnerships, Key Action 2
CoordinatorProgram: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Description: This project aimed to train higher education teachers, providing them with knowledge and skills related to the process of internationalisation in higher education. (2016-2019)
Reference: 575907-EEP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA
Program: Erasmus+ Programme - Sector Skills Alliances
Coordinator: Hellenic Open University (HOU) – DAISSY group, Greece
Description: the Mu.SA Project aimed to support the training of museum professionals in digital and transversal skills in the face of the challenges and impacts of the Digital Age. Based on the identification of emerging professional profiles, it aimed to offer a generic and introductory Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and a Specialisation course, organised into distance, face-to-face and work-based training sessions. It also focussed on forming communities of practice that would ensure its sustainability beyond the project. (2016-2019)
Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000035
Program: NORTE2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Coordinator: CIIMAR e FCUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: With a focus on innovation and the valorisation of seafood products, the project aimed to respond to local challenges and opportunities and was intended to strengthen CIIMAR's scientific competences in the area of Aquaculture and Seafood Quality, which are relevant to the implementation of the Northern Portugal Smart Specialisation Strategy. The research effort was focused on economically important and well-established molluscs (Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas) and fish species (sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax) that play an important role in the Portuguese aquaculture sector. (2016-2018)
Reference: POCI-02-0550-FEDER-012627
Program: COMPETE - Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: The U.Norte Gateway operation was promoted by the three universities that make up the consortium, namely the University of Porto (U.Porto), the University of Minho (U.Minho) and the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD). The aims of this operation were to modernise administrative services, extending the scope of the existing integrated one-stop shops; consolidate the resources allocated to managing and preserving the information generated over the years within the scope of administrative and support services; establish the principle of digital provision of public services as a rule, and give a decisive boost to completing the efforts undertaken with this same digital provision of public services, providing a set of multimedia digital resources to help citizens use digital administrative services. (2016-2018)
Program: Erasmus+
Coordinator: EUA – European University Association
Description: The project brought together experts, specialist networks, organisations and conferences of national rectors and institutions from different parts of Europe. The EFFECT Project aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and effective methods for the development of university teachers at European level. (2015-2019)
Reference: 2015-1-ES01-KA203-015957
Description: University of Salamanca, Spain
Description: This project aimed to design and develop an international Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Toxicology. It aimed to promote digital integration in learning, teaching, training and working with young people at various levels, through the development of scientific, pedagogical, informative and training materials on Toxicology, in its area of specialisation.. (2015 – 2017)
Reference: 543097-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-KA3-KA3MP
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme - Key Activity 3: Multilateral projects
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Descrição: The TALOE project addressed the concept of e-assessment using technology to assess student learning and built on the foundations of previous developments on this issue, such as the ALOA model (created in a doctoral thesis "Alignment of Learning Outcomes and Assessment", which uses the revised version of Bloom's Taxonomy to establish the link between learning objects and general assessment methods) and the results of the VIRQUAL project, in particular the model for describing learning outcomes. (2014-2015)
Reference: 527770-LLP-1-2012-1-BE-ERASMUS-ESMO
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme - ERASMUS Multilateral projects
Coordinator: SCIENTER, Itália
Description: Virtual mobility is understood as "a set of activities supported by information and communication technologies, organised at institutional level, which carry out or facilitate international collaborative experiences in a teaching and/or learning context". The aim of the VMCOLAB project was to contribute to the innovation and internationalisation of European Higher Education Institutions, exploiting the full potential of ICT and Virtual Mobility and extending access to the international learning experience to all European students. (2012-2014)
Reference: 511583-LLP-1-2010-1-SK-KA3-KA3MP
Programa: Lifelong Learning Programme - Key Activity 3: Multilateral projects
Coordenador: Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Eslovaquia
Description: Creativity and innovation play a fundamental role today. The Europe2020 programme has declared the need to strengthen the knowledge triangle - education, research and innovation. Based on this premise, changes are taking place from the perspective of the knowledge society, focusing on one of the basic elements of innovation - creativity and its role in education. The project served as a new pedagogical and organisational model for communities and individuals to explore their innovative potential through the use of ICT tools, thereby strengthening their self-esteem. (2010-2013)
Reference: 510483-LLP-1-2010-1-UK-ERASMUS-EVC
Program: European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme
Coordinator: University of East London, UK
Description: The E-ViEW project partners sought to develop a European Virtual Campus aimed at supporting work-based learning initiatives and which was used in an international pilot edition with a particular focus on intercultural learning. This project began with a needs analysis followed by the development of the Virtual Campus structure using open source code and a learning module based on the needs analysis for training managers in European companies. The module, with its emphasis on European work, was tested with around 100 workers from the UK, Poland, Portugal and Ireland involving 4 employers. The implementation of the online pilot module and a guide describing experiences in creating and administering this course were also relevant products of this project. (2010-2012)
Reference: 167178-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-KA1-KA1EQF
Coordinator: Universidad de Granada, Spain
Description: The Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA) began in 1999 (Bologna Declaration), while the development of the European Quality Framework (EQF) began in 2005. The two frameworks clearly have similarities and overlapping areas. The Learning Outcomes (LO) approach can serve as a bridge to avoid the development of two isolated frameworks. UNI LO therefore set out to explore the learning outcomes approach within the EQF/EHEA framework, contributing to its full understanding and application, promoting the active involvement of university careers services, helping the broad target group of European university students and holders of professional qualifications to better understand its potential in a clear and practical way. (2010-2012)
Reference: 9-ACP-RPR-118#29
Coordinator: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: A project promoted by U.Porto and coordinated by FMUP, with partners FMUAN (Faculty of Medicine of Agostinho Neto University), FMUEM (Faculty of Medicine of Eduardo Mondlane University) and FCS UniLúrio (Faculty of Health Sciences of Lúrio University). As part of EDULINK (a higher education cooperation programme of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and the European Union), the project aimed to improve academic skills and clinical expertise in priority areas related to the Millennium Development Goals (maternal and child health care and infectious diseases) in Angola and Mozambique (2010-2012).
Reference: 167200- LLP -1 – KA1 – KA1ECETB
Program: LLL Program EU
Coordinator: European University Continuing Education Network, Spain
Description: COMPASS created a database for in-depth knowledge of the current situation, difficulties and challenges in implementing Lifelong Learning (LLL) strategies. It developed a platform for exchanging and sharing good practices and fuelled debates at regional, national and European level for future work plans and recommendations towards a European Area of Lifelong Learning (2010-2012).
Reference: 143352-ES-2008-KA1-KA1SCR
Program: KA1SCR
Coordinator: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Description: This project was aimed at creating a classification methodology to measure the activities of the Third Mission of universities, which adds to the classic missions of universities, teaching and research, a new approach that reflects all the contributions of universities to society. (2009-2012)
Reference: NORTE-01-0202-FEDER-5557
Program: CONSÓRCIO - I&D em Consórcio
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto
Description: ENGINEERING AND ART is a project for the research and development of interfaces and strategies for the generation and maintenance of transdisciplinary knowledge communities in the field of technology, science and art. Its central object is communication between physical and virtual interaction spaces integrated into the context of computer-mediated learning - e-learning. (2009-2012)
Reference: NMP-2007-214567
Program: Specific Programme "Cooperation": Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
Coordinator: Fundación Santa Maria La Real Del Patrimonis Historico, Spain
Description: The project aimed to develop an ICT solution, suitable for SMEs, which included (1) innovative and competitive knowledge provision and training services and (2) support for the realisation of new forms of SME-DTR networking through specific knowledge integration. (2009-2011)
Reference: 143748-2008-LLP-PT-KA3-KA3NW
Program: EU Key Activity 3 - ICT / network
Coordinator: Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Description: Europe has invested in developing and implementing policies and instruments to promote trans-European co-operation and mobility in many fields, including education. The Bologna Process has created a European Higher Education Area where mobility, transparency and competitiveness are key concepts. The formal adoption of the European Qualifications Framework was an additional and important step towards achieving mobility in higher education and continuing training. Bringing e-learning and mobility together, we get a new concept of Virtual Mobility, defined by as "The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to obtain the same benefits that would be obtained with physical mobility, but without the need to travel". Through the results of this network of projects, other European higher education and basic education institutions can find guidelines, case studies and tools for integrating virtual mobility into their practices, contributing to the construction of a realistic European learning space. (2009-2011)
Program: Parceria ESEPF e UPorto
Coordinator: Paula Frassinetti School of Education, Portugal
Description: International partnership project with the support of the Anne Frank House (Netherlands). A cycle of events - Different perspectives on the diversity of the world we live in - was organised with the aim of articulating a "tube of events" of the most varied nature (conferences, seminars, workshops, concerts, exhibitions...) which had as their reference the presentation/sharing/discussion of the different visions of the world in/of the multicultural society of our time. The aim was also to build a line/network of interest that would enable contact and effective intercultural relations within this multiculturalism. (2008-2009)
Reference: 133830-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-EMHE
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme
Coordinator: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Description: The UNI-QM project aimed to create a model and tools for quality management in lifelong learning and continuing education organisations. The model and tools were based on the EFQM model, but were applied to the field of lifelong learning, thus respecting its characteristics and needs. (2007-2010)
Reference: EAC-EA 2009-3194 USPOM | FIPSE US Project #P116J090074
Coordinator: Aalto University, School of Science and Technology - EU Coordinator | Georgia Institute of Technology - US Coordinator
Description: Through this project, jointly funded by the European Commission EACEA and FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education), a self-evaluation methodology was developed to explore ways of demonstrating and improving the quality of continuing education in post-secondary education. The methodology was based on the European Quality Management Framework (EFQM), which allowed business organisations to understand continuing education activities and integrate them into their quality programmes. To extend the reach and benefits of this methodology, the DAETE2 project sought to collect data from continuing education operations so that validated reference data could be used in the self-evaluation process and the improvement process. (2006-2008)
Reference: 230244-CP-1-2006-1-ES-COMENIUS-C3
Program: Comenius 3
Coordinator: Universidad Nacional De Educación a Distancia, Spain
Description: The aim of the project was to improve the quality of education and contribute to innovation in schools by helping them to adopt/implement an intercultural approach, promoting reflection on cultural diversity and providing a setting for co-operation, exchange and the development of practical tools for initial and ongoing teacher training. Teachers can make a difference in schools by transforming their own practices and ideas about education and cultural diversity. (2007-2009)
Reference: 106223-CP-1-2002-1-ES-COMENIUS-C21
Program: Comenius - Lifelong Learning Programme
Coordinator: Universidad Nacional De Educación a Distancia, (UNED), Spain
Description: The project aimed to improve the quality of education and contribute to innovation in schools by supporting them in implementing an intercultural approach, promoting reflection on cultural diversity and providing a practical tool for initial and in-service teacher training. (2002-2005)
This project won 1st prize in the "Evens Prize, June 2005" for its quality and scope
Reference: 1378-LLP-2007-BE-KA1EQF
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme
Coordinator: European University Continuing Education Network, Spain
Description: The EU developed the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as a translation tool to make national qualifications easier to understand and more comparable. The EQF aims to support cross-border mobility of learners and workers, promote lifelong learning and professional development across Europe.(2007-2009)
Reference: 135249-LLP-1-2007-1-EE-KA3-KA3MP
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme
Coordinator: Estonian Information Technology Foundation, Estonia
Description: The main aim of the project was to connect various learning communities across Europe and increase the role of communication in learning processes through the implementation of second generation electronic learning (e-Learning 2.0) in higher and professional education. (2008-2009)
Reference: UM_JEP-19105-2004
Program: Tempus
Coordinator: University of Zagreb, Croatia
Description: The general objectives of this project were: to improve the quality of university management and the quality of university teaching through the implementation of e-learning concepts and technologies; to promote e-learning as a tool for universities to become modern, ambitious and forward-looking institutions; - to introduce e-learning in practice as a tool for providing new quality and new opportunities for participants in university teaching and to influence the amendment of university laws and regulations to promote the use of e-learning. (2005-2008)
Referência: 225932-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G4PP
Programa: Grundtvig 4 EU Socrates
Coordinator: European University Continuing Education Network, Spain
Description: In its broadest sense, each educational path is individualised. Students approach the learning process with different motivations, expectations, prior knowledge and learning experiences and interact with the teaching process in different ways. So, whichever way the educational process is organised - classroom, e-learning, blended learning - the way a student engages with it is a unique experience. When considering quality assurance for adult lifelong learning, the question arises of the extent to which teachers, curricula, study methods, etc. are able to accommodate and exploit these diverse individual differences and use them to improve learning, both for the individual and the group. Universities need to create quality systems that take into account these varied needs and experiences of adult students (2005-2007).
Reference: 100291 - CP -1-2002-1- PT - GRUNDTVIG - G4
Program: Grundtvig 4 EU Socrates
Coordinator: European University Continuing Education Network, Spain
Description: The aim of the project is to improve the quality of individualised learning paths for adults entering and leaving higher education. Together, the 32 partners have developed a web-based toolkit to support quality projects in adult university education, focussing particularly on these new forms of practice. The partners also developed and tested a series of services: workshops, seminars, consultancy services and mutual evaluation visits. (2002-2005)
Program: Tempus
Coordinator: Szamalk Center, Hungary
Description: Porto's first online course. As part of the project, an education quality assurance programme was developed, developing the following elements of the open and distance environment: Quality assurance manual, multimedia CD-ROM and Distance learning course. The training programme provided assurance and guidance primarily for managers and teachers at institutions applying open and distance education. The programme aimed to contribute to developing the quality of open services and distance learning, disseminating modern training methods and promoting the European dimension in education. (1999)
Reference: 56534-CP-1-98-1AT-ODL-ODL
Program: SOCRATES program (Lifelong Learning Programme), com apoio da EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency)
Coordinator: Technical University of Wien, Austria
Description: The FACILE project has added an open distance learning dimension through an existing network of centres for continuing engineering education. Open and facilitated distance learning combines flexibility with effective support for learning processes through local support centres. The FACILE project has improved the knowledge and skills of professionals in European engineering centres on how to apply open and facilitated distance learning in their daily work. (1998)
Invitation from EUA to participate in the working group. The group was organised in the context of the project "Supporting European universities in their strategic approaches to digital learning" (DIGI-HE) and EUA's Learning & Teaching activities.
The group met over the course of two years where various collaborative practices at different universities were shared and discussed, and in the end a report was drawn up with different ideas and suggestions in the area of collaborative practices in higher education.
EUA invited InovPed UPorto to take part in this Thematic Peer Group, which ran from March 2019 to February 2020 A group for peer learning and exchanging experiences, while contributing to EUA's political work as the voice of the European Union.