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InovPed Seal

Timeline 2024  InovPed Seal Award

Objet and objective

The 'Pedagogical Innovation' quality seal (InovPed Seal) is one of the initiatives of the Educational Innovation Programme at the University of Porto and aims to distinguish a training unit, already created or to be created, duly accredited within the scope of Continuing Education at the U.Porto.

The aim of this initiative is to promote interdisciplinarity and the development of transversal competences, and the existence of a multi-unit teaching staff is a mandatory condition.

U.Porto (2023). Regulations for the Educational Innovation Programme at the University of Porto. Order no. GR.11_11_2023. Amends the Regulations of the Educational Innovation Programme of the University of Porto.

Award winners


EBEC Porto 24h - Team Design

Pedagogical team: Francisco Vasques de Carvalho, António José Ramos Silva, Sofia Sousa Moura, Maria João Oliveira Taveira, Guilherme Botelho Silva, Francisco Silva Cunha Campos, Margarida da Costa Rico Saraiva, Carlota Vasconcelos Carneiro, Ana Cristina Machado de Freitas, Carla Susana Santana Carmelo Rosa, Paulo José Lopes Machado Portugal, José Luís Campos de Oliveira Santos
Organical Units: FEUP, FCUP
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Artistic Education, Technology and Society

Pedagogical team: Tiago Assis, Pedro Ferreira, Ademar Aguiar
Organical Units: FPCEUP, FBAUP, FEUP
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Digital Health

Pedagogical team: Elísio Costa, Maria Constança Leite de Freitas Paúl, Marta Sofia Sampaio de Almada, Luís Filipe da Silva Midão, Diogo Videira, Joana Carrilho Rodrigues da Silva
Organical Units: FFUP, ICBAS
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Internacionalização em contexto escolar: Potenciar a diversidade e a internacionalização na formação de professores

Pedagogical team: Maria de Fátima Carneiro Ribeiro Pereira, Clara Maria da Silva de Vasconcelos, Maria João Couto, Maria Paula Monteiro Pinheiro da Silva, Paula Maria Leite Queirós, Henrique Malheiro Vaz, Rosa Tomás Ferreira, Thiago Freitas Rodrigues
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Health, Wellbeing and Architecture

Pedagogical team: Teresa Leão, Ana Neiva, Gisela Lameira, Ana Isabel Ribeiro, Carla Gonçalves, Rui Ramos, Henrique Barros
Organical Units: FMUP, FAUP, ISPUP, FEUP
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Heritage and Landscape. Management, Analysis, Project

Pedagogical team: Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Teresa Portela Marques, Xavier das Neves Romão, Maria Leonor Botelho
Organical Units: FAUP, FCUP, FEUP, FLUP
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*Sorted in the order in which the applications were submitted