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U.Porto e-learning Excellence

Timeline 2012-2016 e-learning Excellence Award

Object e objective

The Prize for Excellence in e-learning was intended to recognise those who taught at U.Porto during an academic year, making online content available on the University's e-learning platforms and using a pedagogical strategy to support the curricular units taught.

Its aim was to encourage good practice in the application of e-learning processes to teaching and learning, stimulating and recognising the use of new technologies in training activities.

U.Porto (2004). Regulations for the "Uporto E-Learning Excellence" award. Deliberation no. 120/2005 of the plenary session of the Senate of the University of Porto. Diário da República II Series, no. 22, of 1st February.

U.Porto (2009). Amendment to the Regulations for the "Uporto E-Learning Excellence" award. Rectoral Order.

Award winners

2010/2011 edition

Lecturer: Daniel Moura
Course Unit: Pharmacology
Organisational Unit: FMUP
Case Study / Presentation

2009/2010 edition

Lecturer: Pablo Payo
Course Unit: Patologia Clinica de Animais de Companhia
Organisational Unit: ICBAS
Case Study

2008/2009 edition

Lecturer: Isabel Ferreira
Course Unit: Anatomia Clínica
Organisational Unit: FFUP
Case Study / Presentation

André Moreira
Course Unit: Imunologia Básica
Organisational Unit: FMUP
Case Study / Presentation

2007/2008 edition

Lecturer: Maria Amélia Ferreira
Course Unit: Anatomia Clínica
Organisational Unit: FMUP
Case Study

Jorge Oliveira
Course Unit: Farmacologia
Organisational Unit: FFUP
Case Study / Presentation

2006/2007 edition

Lecturer: Fernando Manuel Gomes Remião
Course Unit: Biotoxicologia
Organisational Unit: FFUP
Case Study / Presentation

2005/2006 edition

Lecturer: Paula Andrade / Patrícia Valentão
Course Unit: Farmacognosia II
Organisational Unit: FFUP
Case Study / Presentation

Paulo Vasconcelos
Course Unit: Matemática I
Organisational Unit: FEP
Case Study / Presentation

2004/2005 edition

Lecturer: Pedro Moreira
Course Unit: Alimentação e Nutrição Humana
Organisational Unit: FMUP
Case Study / Presentation

Jaime Villate
Course Unit: Física dos Sistemas Dinámicos
Organisational Unit: FEUP
Case Study / Presentation