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UP.PT - Faculty of Sciences

Chemometric Methods in Chemical Analysis Esta formação não está ativa.

The course will enhance the "reskilling" and "upskilling" of professionals who are looking for training in skills adjacent to their own, providing parallel learning experiences, or who are looking for advanced skills that complement their training and/or previous professional experience.

The course will serve the U.Porto's mission of offering Continuous Training by offering non-degree courses that enable the training of professional resources in high demand by society and by companies that wish to improve their supply and capacity through new tools.

This training proposal in assay validation aims to allow greater versatility to the curricular units previously proposed in the Advanced Methods and Accreditation in Chemical Analysis specialization course, allowing it to work in b-learning mode and thus better adapt to the conditioning factors for those who are inserted in the job market and want to improve their training in important areas for improving their skills and professional performance.

The trainers of this curricular unit are members of the Chemistry Research Center of the University of Porto (CIQUP) and the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), meaning trainees can benefit from the advances made within the scope of research carried out in these research centres. investigation.
Furthermore, the collaboration of these centres allows, through visits to the laboratories, discussion of case studies linked to the activities of the different centres (CIIMAR, CIQUP and Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre (CTCP).

Another advantage of the collaboration between Research Centres is the use of these centres' communication channels to publicize the training, both to external entities and to employees of the centres involved.

Job Opportunities

Professional Opportunities: (1) Chemical analysis laboratories in public institutions or private companies linked to the production of accredited goods and services, as well as procedure certification and laboratory accreditation activities. (2) Consulting companies in the area of validation methodologies and accreditation of laboratories.

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Faculty of Sciences
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
243 Hours / 9.0 ECTS

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024