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UP.PT - Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences

First Degree in Nutrition Sicences

The Bachelor's Degree in Nutritional Sciences offered by FCNAUP is one of the first and, to this day, only courses in Portugal designed to train future Nutritionists. If that is your aim, this is where you will find thorough training with a strong practical component in subjects related to food and nutrition, but also in the fields of physiology and human anatomy, cellular and molecular biology, organic chemistry, immunology, genetics, public health, and more.

Job Opportunities

Nutritionists can work in the fields of public health, clinical nutrition, food service management, sport, the agri-food industry, research and teaching. They can exercise their profession in hospitals, health centres, companies, sports centres, pharmacies, local authorities, learning institutions, etc., in both the public and private sectors.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Type of Course
First Degree
8 Semesters / 240.0 ECTS
Mark of the last classified*

1ª Phase 152

2ª Phase 151.8

Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
National: 697.00€
International: 3500.00€
CPLP International: 2450.00€

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Ef 2654/2011/AL01 in Nov. 5, 2020


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: July 31, 2021