NEBgS Porto - The question of housing


September 29th




Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information


University of Porto, Vice-Rector of University of Porto

University of Porto, Dean of Faculty of Architecture

University of Porto, Director of Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies



Estela Machado

Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information


President of the Portuguese Board of Architects



Estela Machado

Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information


Cooperative of Architects


Questions & Answers

Estela Machado (moderator)

Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information


Virtual Coffee Break


5 Parallel sessions

#1 The right to the right house

Click here to view the session video


How to ensure, ideally by 2030, universal access to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services?
Overcoming the deficit of adequate housing is a collective obligation and one of the biggest challenges faced by the embattled welfare states of southern European countries. The Portuguese Government implemented, in recent years, several Housing policies and specific instruments targeting various underprivileged parts of the population, notably rental controls and subsidies and refurbishment and renewal of existing housing stock. However, several concerns can be discussed among the vast diversity of stakeholders of these complex processes, like rule makers, beneficiaries, funding institutions or the different agents of the building industry:
1_What can be the role of academic institutions in the mediation between public housing policies and local needs?
2_ In a European Union where cities are the leading engine of economic and environmental policies, how are southern cities tackling affordable housing?
3_ What is the role of the State in the diversification of solutions to address housing deficits? How to organize a more productive coexistence between cooperative housing, co-housing, state-owned affordable housing, forced restructuring of abandoned property and long leases of public land to control property values and housing prices?

Joaquim Moreno (moderator)

University of Porto, Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Bruna Nunes (facilitator)

Delft University of Technology, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

Aitor Varea Oro

University of Porto, Researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies

Catarina Ruivo

Concinnitas CRL, Co-Founder Architect

Dimitra Nikolaou

National Technical University of Athens, Associate Professor at School of Architecture

Federica Lecci

University of Bologna, MSc Student at Department of Architecture

Iva Marčetić

Member of Right to the City organization from Zagreb

Paula Miranda

Ateliermob, Architect

Valentina Orioli

University of Bologna, Associate Professor at Department of Architecture

#2 Reconciling housing with the environment and culture

Click here to view the session video


The discussions on climate change not only have exposed planetary limitations of available resources, but also asymmetries to their access.
At the same time, globalisation dramatically influences spatial design and the use of materials, promising the democratisation of goods and welfare; yet, it is promoting massive and predatory processes which replace or ignore local traditions, skills and demands.
These debates have often been presented as opposition between two extremes: mankind versus nature, modernisation versus tradition. It is time to address these challenges differently, by understanding that these dimensions not only do not compete with each other, but can actually be symbiotic and mutually enriching. Therefore, it is crucial to discuss the reconciliation of human action and the environment, innovation and tradition, globalisation and local culture.
Within this framework, housing offers a powerful tool. Housing design promotes both this awareness as well as an equitable built environment, which can be culturally responsive, economically affordable, environmentally sensitive and socially engaging.
Some questions to be addressed in this session are:
1_How to combine traditional solutions, local knowledge and skills with innovation and modernisation of practices, responding to present needs and future aspirations. What are the values to reconsider under the current circumstances?
2_How to take into account the social and environmental impact of materials and construction processes within the housing sector?
3_How to transform housing from ‘product’ to ‘process’, by designing towards collective participation, cultural bonding and local income opportunities?

Riva Lava (moderator)

National Technical University of Athens, Assistant Professor at School of Architecture

Pedro Varela (facilitator)

University of Porto, Researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies

Ana Silva Fernandes

University of Porto, Invited Lecturer at Faculty of Architecture

Bianca Mengozzi

University of Bologna, BSc Student at Department of Architecture

Francesca Sabatini

University of Bologna, PhD Candidate at Department of Architecture

Juan Gómez Verdú

Polytechnic University of Valencia, MSc Student at School of Architecture

Natacha Issot

ENSA Toulouse, PhD Candidate at School of Architecture

Stavros Gyftopoulos

National Technical University of Athens, Associate Professor at School of Architecture

#3 Resilient modes of inhabitation

Click here to view the session video

Inhabiting is a shared apprenticeship that shapes everyday life in a specific time or place. In this sense, it is an act of incorporation, i.e., culture. To build (not only physical structures but also the know-how of its appropriation) is an as-well cultural process, handed down from generation to generation, naturally enhanced by experience.
On the one hand, this material (construction) and immaterial (ways of living) knowledge-in-action has a background, i.e., tradition, which people have nurtured without discontinuities and which today seems scattered among discourses and measures of action. In that sense,
1_How to take advantage of local construction culture to enhance resilient modes of inhabitation?
2_How can NEB contribute to a greater inculturation of the inhabitants in the built environment knowledge?
3_How to establish the patterns of comfort for the “well-tempered” southern house?
On the other hand, housing is facing renovated challenges accelerated by the ageing population and climate changes. The urgent need to develop long-lasting, sustainable and inclusive solutions is generally accepted, supported by “Inhabitant-centered” approaches and active participation of local communities. Adaptability seems to arise as a critical way of resilience.
4_How can NEB bring together cultural habits, tradition and native ways of living and intersect them with health, inclusion and built environment?
5_How to quickly adapt housing to dynamic changes in inhabiting [namely ageing in place, changing needs, dynamic family size/structure]?
6_How to provide tailored housing solutions to specific inhabitants’ needs on a large scale basis?

Gisela Lameira (moderator)

University of Porto, Researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies

Bruno Moreira (facilitator)

University of Porto, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture

Jana Horvat

University of Zagreb, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture

Martina Massari

University of Bologna, Adjunct Professor at Department of Architecture

Nuno Valentim

University of Porto, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Ricardo Agarez

ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Senior Researcher

Riccardo Dadina

University of Bologna, Advanced Service Design Student

Sara Brysch

TU Delft, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment

#4 A new paradigm: retrofitting, reusing, (dis)assembly, up-cycling

Click here to view the session video


Circular economy in construction is an inextricable element of sustainable development in architecture and building. Rapid urbanization, changes in living requirements, as well as rapid changes in industries and technologies, are followed by continuous development and execution of new built structures, emptying many existing built structures unfit to meet contemporary demands in their current state. Retrofitting, re-use and upcycling – whether we look at their materials, elements or built structures as a whole – are an integral part of sustainable land-use and development strategies which move away from the linear, growth-oriented models continuously exploiting unbuilt land and resources. A particular segment of construction contributing to these issues is the growing number of urban populations requiring a constant increase in housing. In 2018, 55% percent of the world’s population lived in cities – a number predicted to grow dramatically towards the middle of the century. On the other hand, existing housing stock requires an array of amendments improving their quality and making them more energy efficient. This leads to several important issues which become particularly demanding in historic contexts of the European South.

1_What have we learned from renewing existing housing to be more energy efficient? What can new materials, techniques and structural systems contribute in regard to more efficient retrofitting?
2_What are the possibilities, potentials and issues in re-using buildings built for other purposes? What examples of good practice can we learn from?
3_What can we learn from traditional building practices and housing habits to make our buildings more energy efficient?
4_What are the issues in energy-efficiency renewal in historic contexts? How can we achieve a balance between heritage protection measures (regarding the local culture from the South) and the implementation of sustainable energy strategies?

Mia Roth-Čerina (moderator)

University of Zagreb, Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Adrian Krężlik (facilitator)

University of Porto, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture

Clara Vale

University of Porto, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Luciana Rocha

University of Porto, Researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies

Marianthe Papangelopoulou

National Technical University of Athens, MSc Student at School of Architecture

Michael Venturelli

University of Bologna, BSc Student at Department of Architecture

Rémi Papillault

ENSA Toulouse, Professor at School of Architecture

Saveria Boulanger

University of Bologna, Adjunct Professor at Department of Architecture

#5 Housing design: modes of education and practice

Click here to view the session video


Housing Design is one of the fundamental themes in the formation of an architect. More than a specific knowledge — which is also necessary and important — it constitutes an opportunity for the development of a set of skills necessary for any Architectural Design exercise.
Being a subject empirically well known by students, it raises the need to understand, to rationalise, to interpret, and to rethink problems and solutions, only apparently familiar. And that implies to study the vast accumulation of historical experiences and work on the re-elaboration of this heritage, attending to social transformations, technological innovations, cultural aspirations and, increasingly, climate and energy issues.
The problems of form and composition are always present. But also those of cell definition: type, distribution, access system, repetition, differentiation within repetition, flexibility of uses, economy of means and adaptability. In the same way, students will have to deal with the relationship between cells, between each cell and the building, and to the mode these buildings define the city: implementing new urban morphologies or interpreting existing ones, shaping the networks of public spaces, establishing the density and height of buildings, seeking for urban quality.
Because there is no Architectural Design without Construction, it is also important that the form and image of a residential building – as it inevitably lives within a pattern of economic constraints – is absolutely interdependent with its materials and technology. Learning to search for a studied and intelligent consistency between both is an enlightening moment.
Recognizing and debating differences on teaching architectural design and, in particular, the Housing Design – strongly anchored in social, cultural, technological and regulatory realities, different from country to country – grants an opportunity to understand the different assumptions and approaches. An opportunity for comparison, systematisation and rationalisation of differences, in order to find levels of convergence and to create common ground to develop joint research and teaching actions that must be vast, comprehensive and in-depth.
Three thought-provoking questions:
1_On aims – Climate Change: new challenges to form and composition or a new paradigm?
2_On pedagogy – Educate students to the responsible profession or to social and climate activism?
3_On purpose – May the southern schools of architecture find and foster a different new European approach to climate change, with a better use of nature and less dependence on technological gadgets?

Luís Soares Carneiro (moderator)

University of Porto, Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Rafael Sousa Santos (facilitator)

University of Porto, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Architecture

Débora Domingo-Calabuig

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Professor at School of Architecture

Francesco Saverio Fera

University of Bologna, Full Professor at Department of Architecture

Gabriella Martini

University of Bologna, BSc Student at Department of Architecture

Leo Modrčin

University of Zagreb, Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Louise Blé

ENSA Toulouse, MSc Student at School of Architecture

Nikos Ktènas

National Technical University of Athens, Associate Professor at School of Architecture

Ricardo Carvalho

Autonomous University of Lisbon, Full Professor at School of Architecture


Virtual Coffee Break


Film exhibition


Luís Martinho Urbano (Director)



Estela Machado

Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information

Recap session

Joaquim Moreno

University of Porto, Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Riva Lava

National Technical University of Athens, Assistant Professor at School of Architecture

Gisela Lameira

University of Porto, Researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies

Mia Roth-Čerina

University of Zagreb, Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Luís Soares Carneiro

University of Porto, Professor at Faculty of Architecture


Panel on next steps

Estela Machado (moderator)

Porto Canal, Anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information

Polytechnic University of Madrid, Professor at School of Architecture

Filipa Roseta

Deputy of the Portuguese Parliament

Gonçalo Byrne

President of the Portuguese Board of Architects

Vasco Freitas

University of Porto, Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering


Conclusion and wrap-up

Mia Roth-Čerina

University of Zagreb, Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture

Teresa Calix

University of Porto, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Architecture



Event Scientific Committee

Aitor Varea Oro, Ana Silva Fernandes, Catarina Ruivo, Clara Vale, Filipa Guerreiro, Gisela Lameira, João Pedro Xavier, Joaquim  Moreno, José Pedro Sousa, Luciana Rocha, Luís Soares Carneiro, Mia Roth-Čerina, Nuno Valentim, Riva Lava, Rodrigo Coelho, Rui Ramos, Teresa Calix


Estela Machado began participating in local radio broadcasts at the age of 14, on radio Fundação, in Guimarães, and on radio Felgueiras.
She studied at Fernando Pessoa University, in Porto, and was still studying when she was invited to join the country’s second local television project: NTV. After two years in this challenge, she moved on to RTP, where she was until March 2021.
On Portuguese Public Television, she was the face of the main newspapers, moderated debates, and presented several special broadcasts with different contents, including national and international issues, which have marked the last two decades of information in Portugal and the world.
When she completed 20 years of career, she accepted the invitation to move to Porto Canal where she is anchor of the Nightly News and Deputy Director of Information. In the beginning of this new phase of her career, she stood out in the new program “Ironias do Destino” with the president of Futebol Clube do Porto. The program composed a set of documentary interviews about the 38 years of leadership of Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa, the leader who has been in charge of a soccer club for the longest time in the world.

Fátima Vieira is Vice-Rector for Culture of the University of Porto and Associate Professor (with “Agregação”) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. She was the Chair of the Utopian Studies Society / Europe from 2006 to 2016, and the recipient of the Larry E. Hough Distinguished Service Award of the American and Canadian Society for Utopian Studies. She is the Coordinator of the Porto University’s branch of CETAPS – the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, where she is the leader of the research project “Mapping Utopianisms”.

João Pedro Xavier is an architect and full professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto (FAUP), where he received his degree in 1985, and his Ph.D. in Architecture in 2005.
He worked in Álvaro Siza’s office from 1986 to 1999. At the same time, he established his own practice as an architect.
Xavier is a member of CEAU’s research teams – Architecture: Theory, Project, History (ATPH) – and – Digital Fabrication Laboratory (DFL). The relationship between architecture and mathematics, especially perspective, is his main research interest. He is the author of the books Perspectiva, perspectiva acelerada econtraperspectiva (Perspective, accelerated perspective and retarded perspective) and Sobre as origens da perspectiva em Portugal (About the origins of perspective in Portugal).
He is correspondent editor of the “Nexus Network Journal”, and member of the “European Association for Architectural Education” (EAAE) Council.

José Miguel Rodrigues was born in Porto in 1970. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) in 1994. He holds a Master’s and a PhD from the same school (1998 and 2007). He is co-author of the New Aldeia da Luz project (1995-2002) and, since 1998, he has been a professor at FAUP. In 2013 he published his PhD thesis “The Ordered and Accessible World of the Forms of Architecture” and since 2011 he has been developing a post-doctoral project entitled “The relationship between theory and practice in Giorgio Grassi: affinities and oppositions”, a project for the translation into Portuguese of the author’s written work. He has translated, as part of the editorial project Giorgio Grassi, opera omnia, sic (Afrontamento, FIMS): “Leon Batista Alberti and Roman Architecture” (2015), Selected Writings 1965-2015″ (2018) and “A Life of an Architect” (2021). He was a member of the Board of Directors of FIMS and Director of the Integrated Master’s Degree course in Architecture at FAUP (2009-2018). Currently he is the coordinator of the research group T2P, researcher responsible (with Joana Couceiro) for the research project SIZA, baroque (funded by FCT), Director of the research centre of FAUP (the CEAU-FAUP) and Associate Professor at the same school, teaching: History of Modern Architecture (in the Integrated Master) and Thesis Project, option [and] project theory and practices (in the PDA). He is the author of the book “Palladio and the Modern” (Circo de Ideias, 2020) distinguished with the FAD prize, thought and criticism (2021).

Gonçalo Byrne (Alcobaça, 1941) is an architect graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon holding an Honorary Degree from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon and from the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero. In 1975, he established his own practice and, in 1991, he founded the studio Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos.
Since 1970, he has been a member of the Portuguese Architects Association, and since 2008, a member of the Italian Province of Vicenza Architects Association. He was part of the Portuguese Board of the U.I.A. and a delegate of the World Assembly and Congress of this same organisation. Between 1985 and 1987, he was director of Jornal Arquitectos (the journal published by the Portuguese Architects Association).
Byrne has been teaching at several international universities including Lausanne, Harvard, Venice, Mendrisio, Leuven, Pamplona, Milan, Kansas State University, among others. He is often a jury member in many design competitions and accolades, such as for example for the Mies van der Rohe Award (year 2017), the Vasco Vilalva Award attributed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Swiss Architectural Award – BSI Architectural Foundation (for which he is a permanent member of the consulting board), and the Juana de Vega Award (La Coruña).
Byrne is currently the President of the National Board of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (2020-2022).

Lacol Arquitectes is a cooperative of architects established in 2009 in the neighbourhood of Sants, in Barcelona. They work to generate community infrastructures for the sustainability of life, as a key tool for the eco-social transition, through architecture, cooperativism and participation. They believe that the way to transform the city is through the active participation of the people who inhabit it and through proactive action. Furthermore, they work on the interests related to the quality of life of all the people who share the city. The architect’s contribution is made within the urban movement, as one more piece of this gear, helping to understand citizen concerns and translate them on paper; providing criteria for the definition of objectives and strategies, as well as tools to define and communicate ideas through graphic drawing. They encourage, among others, debate and discussion on the uses of spaces and the management of urban spaces, city models, participation and the recovery of heritage.

Parallel Sessions

#1 The right to the right house

Joaquim Moreno is a Portuguese architect born in 1973, in Luanda, Angola. He graduated from the School of Architecture of the University of Porto, has a Masters from the Barcelona Technical School of Architecture and a PhD from Princeton University. Taught previously at Columbia University, Syracuse University, Princeton University, Minho University, Autonomous University of Lisbon, ISCTE and Architectural Association in London. Currently teaches at FAUP in Porto.
Curated, with the philosopher José Gil, the Portuguese representation at the Venice Architecture Biennial of 2008, curated, with Paula Pinto the exhibition Carlo Scarpa, Brion Tomb – Guido Guidi at Garagem Sul CCB, in Lisbon in 2015 and curated and edited in 2018, for the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the exhibition and book The University is Now on Air, Broadcasting Modern Architecture.
The book and exhibition Radar Veneza: Portuguese Architects in the Biennale, curated and edited with Alexandra Areia, is the most recent published product of a long research on architecture and media. The exhibition Story Telling Meters, currently on show at MAAT, researches the architectures of energy.

Bruna Nunes (1991) studied Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), where she completed her master’s degree in 2018. In her dissertation, she focused on the intersections between Traditional Architecture, Modern Architecture, and sustainable design and building strategies. Since 2017, she’s been involved in classifying and decoding the photo archive of António Menéres with a particular focus on clarifying its meanings and on offering alternative approaches to architectural archives interpretations. Since 2019, she holds a scholarship by FCT as a Ph.D. student at the Delft University of Technology (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) and is part of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability (Heritage and Values). Her Ph.D. research is supervised by both TUDelft and FAUP professors and her thesis addresses the contribution of Surveys on Traditional Architecture and their actor-networks towards cultural significance. In 2020 and 2021 she collaborated as an Architecture “code-auditor”/tutor at the “Mastermind: CRASH” course, which promotes critical thinking in architectural redesign. Her research focus goes in the direction of Vernacular and Modernist Heritage, Heritage Valorization and Values Assessment, and 20th Century Architectural History and Construction.

Aitor Varea Oro is an Architect since 2008 (Escola Tècnica Superior de Arquitectura) and PhD since 2015 (Universitat Politècnica de València, with stay at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto). The main thread of his professional activity is the involvement in community-based development processes, in collaboration with the social fabric, public administration and academic institutions. He is a researcher at the MDT-CEAU-FAUP, coordinator of the program Habitar Porto and member of the National Coordination Team of the Healthy Neighborhoods program, a public program, of participatory nature, for the improvement of health conditions, well-being and quality of life in vulnerable territories. Responsible for the Local Housing Strategy of Vila Nova de Famalicão, he also collaborates with the Municipality of Porto in the creation of a municipal strategy for the rehabilitation of islands, both in its physical regeneration and in its articulation with social intervention.

Catarina Ruivo holds an MS in Architecture from Porto’s University and a PhD in Architecture, design and computation from Lisbon’s University, with a visiting period at the Bartlett School of Architecture. Her research has focused on state-subsidised housing and its relationship with urban development. Her thesis, “Design Paradigms in Porto’s Public and Cooperative Housing: a systemic approach grounded on spatial analysis”, explored the articulation of quantitative methods of spatial analysis with the sociological and historiographic aspects of architectural research as a means of illuminating the spatial forms of political, social and economic processes. She has experience in organising and coordinating international workshops and symposia and has, for the last 6 years, collaborated with the research group Formal Methods in Architecture (ESAP, Porto). She has co-founded Concinnitas CRL, a non-profit company in the fields of digital services, architecture, urbanism, and (e)planning.

Dimitra Nikolaou is Associate Professor, in the Department of Architectural Design, School of Architecture, N.T.U.A, Greece. She has a Diploma degree in Architecture, (A.U.TH.) and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Studies, in Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University College London (UCL).
She currently teaches Architectural Composition (Design), in the Undergraduate Program N.T.U.A. and Theory and Design of Buildings and Urban conservation, in the Postgraduate program U.TH. She has also participated in the teaching staff of the Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Program: Architectural Design-Space-Culture, N.T.U.A., (2011-2015).
During the academic year 2019-2020(13-1/30-5-2020), she was visiting Academic, in the Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, teaching in the 4rth year of studies.
She has been also visiting professor, in Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera Valencia, Spain (2013), ETSAB, School of Architecture, Barcelona Spain (2014,) and Ecole National Superieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS), Strasbourg, France (2016).
She has over 30 years of professional experience, in practice and practice orientated research in Architectural design, Design consultancies, (Technical Consultant of University of Thessaly and of University of Peloponnese) and management and supervision of private and public buildings in Greece, participation in research programs (A.U.TH.), (N.T.U.A.) publications, participation in architectural conferences and architectural exhibitions in Greece and abroad.

Federica Lecci is a student of Architecture at the University Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Campus of Cesena. The university courses that impacted the most her vision of architecture are: aesthetics, theory of history and restoration, urban planning laboratory and architectural design laboratory IV. She had also participated in many external courses like: Course of Architecture, design, and urbanism “Designing with empathy”; Course of 3D printing press 4m group; Architectural Workshop “LURT” (Laboratorio Umano di Rigenerazione Territoriale) instructor: Flora La Sita and Orizzontale studio, location: Riesi, Sicily. Now she is training at the international studio “DECISIO” in Amsterdam.
She is passionate about urban planning with a multidisciplinary approach and is interested in every form of art that seeks to contribute to the construction of a more equitable world. Other skills: scout educator, dancer and ex competitive skater. She is able to speak Italian, English and Spanish.

Iva Marčetić holds a Master degree in Architecture and urban planning from the School of Architecture, University of Zagreb. She is a longtime member of Right to the city organization from Zagreb where she has for years worked with local grassroots initiatives and has actively fought for democratization of urban planning in the city and improving of housing rights. Iva is an author of a book “Housing policy in service of social and spatial (in)equalities”. Iva lives and works in Zagreb.

Paula Miranda has a degree in Architecture from Faculty of Architecture of University of Lisbon, 2001. Worked in João Luís Carrilho da Graça’s architectural office, from 2001 to 2015, in the development of several projects.
At Ateliermob has coordinated the participatory projects in PRODAC North and South neighborhoods that lead to interventions to ameliorate their public space, works that were also done with and by the inhabitants. Still in Ateliermob, was responsible for the projects “Promotion of the Pedestrian Accessibility in Eastern Lisbon” (2016), and “Cultural Heritage Mapping at Av. Almirante Reis (STEPS),” a pilot project developed in Lisbon promoted by the European Council (2017-18).
As a member of Working with the 99% Coop worked on the project to reconstruct houses after the fire at Pedrógão Grande in 2017, as well as the project for women’s safety in public space and transports that lead to a “Review of good practices”, to Lisbon’s Municipality.

Valentina Orioli, Architect and PhD, is Associate professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture, and Deputy Mayor in charge of Urban Planning, Real Estate, Environment, Preservation and Renewal of the Historic City, Green Deal and Nomination of I Portici di Bologna to Unesco WHL at the Municipality of Bologna. Her teaching and research activities are aimed at the knowledge and experimentation of tools for the design and governance of urban and regional transformations, in a perspective that focuses on physical space and its regeneration and draws on the comparison with the disciplinary tradition but also with urban history. She is Vice President of Urban@it, a National center for urban policy studies based at the University of Bologna. Among her recent works, the book edited together with Noriko Inoue, Bologna and Kanazawa. Protection and valorization of two historic cities (Bup, 2020).

#2 Reconciling housing with the environment and culture

Riva Lava is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens teaching Architectural Design and Heritage. She is a licensed architect and engineer (National Technical University of Athens / Cooper Union, New York) and holds a Ph.D. in architecture (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). She has lived and worked in Athens and New York City. She taught design and heritage courses at the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, (2017), the MA course “Art and Architecture in the Black Sea” at the International Hellenic University (2011–13), architectural design at the University of Thessaly (2009–13), architectural and urban design at Pratt Institute New York (1997–98), and communication at the Nafplion Fine Arts School of the University of the Peloponnese (2005–09). She published the book “Santorini Mindscapes” featuring her teaching at NTUA. Riva Lava participated in EU heritage research programs for the preservation of Greek art and architecture (BYZEIS), edited the university textbook “Issues of Cultural Heritage” (2010/2020), and participated at the “Architecture as Icon” project of Princeton University. She has published numerous articles on architecture and has produced a series of shows featuring urban aspects of Athens for Greek Public Television (ERT). She has worked as head of the technical department for the Organisation against Drugs (OKANA) and has been special advisor to the public order ministry on the problems caused in the historical center of Athens due to heavy migrant inflows (2010).

Pedro de Azambuja Varela is a DFL researcher at CEAU/FAUP. While interested in mathematics and built form, graduates in Architecture at FAUP in 2006.
In 2012, he created the company AZVAvisuals where his knowledge in graphic and web design, programming, image manipulation and advanced 3D modelling and rendering have proven successful.
Pedro de Azambuja Varela takes part in the FCT Investigation Project “Tecnologia Robótica para um Projecto e Construção Não-Standard em Arquitectura”. Following various works developed in the area of algorithmic design, he studies and finishes the first edition of CEAAD (Advanced Studies Course in Digital Architecture) with a grant from Amorim Isolamentos S.A., organized by FAUP and ISCTE-IUL. He won a PhD Grant from FCT for a research on rethinking stereotomy with today’s technologies, defending his thesis entitled “Reconstruction of a Stereotomy – for a multi-semantic stereotomic approach” in 2020.

Ana Silva Fernandes is an architect and researcher, with postgraduate studies on architectural heritage, and a PhD thesis on policies for improvement of self-produced areas, focusing on African territories. She has been undertaking applied research and consultancy work both in the Portuguese context and in developing countries, being interested in the themes of urban policies, spatial justice, social inclusion, informality, self-produced settlements, territorial asymmetries, participation and heritage. She is nowadays a postdoctoral researcher on the socio-spatial impacts of infrastructural policies in Mozambique, as well as on participatory practices for overcoming asymmetries in its access. She is also an Invited Lecturer at FAUP (the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, Portugal), having publications in books, international journals with peer-review and conference proceedings, as well as supervisions and participations in national and international conferences.

Bianca Mengozzi was born in Forlì on the 8th of March, 1997. She went to school in her home city and obtained her diploma at the ‘Liceo Classico’. While in high school, she participated in an exchange programme. This allowed her to spend one year in Ecuador, where she got acquainted with a fascinating culture and learned Spanish. In her free time, she has approached artistic and recreational activities such as theatre, musicals, singing, and drawing. She is currently enrolled in the fifth year of the Architecture programme at Cesena. She recently participated in the Erasmus+ mobility and was able to study and live in Lithuania for one year.

Francesca Sabatini, PhD candidate in cultural economics at the Department of Architecture and Territory, “Mediterranea” University (Reggio Calabria), is visiting researcher at the School of Performance and Cultural Industries, University of Leeds (fall 2021), and has been visiting researcher at the Department of Strategy, Globalization and Society – HEC Lausanne (spring 2021). She intensively collaborates with the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna on urban regeneration projects. She is project manager, consultant and researcher for ArtFiles, Rome. Her research focuses on urban commons, cultural democracy and culture-led urban regeneration.

Juan Gómez Verdú was born in Valencia, on 21st July 1995, where he currently lives. In 2014, he started his degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In 2018, thanks to Erasmus scholarship, he went to the Hafencity Universität in Hamburg. By the fifth year, he started to become interested in educational spaces and their relation with the learning process itself. He is currently enrolled in a Master in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Valencia with research about Higher Education and Architectural Educational spaces, formal and informal learning. He has submitted some works to architectural magazines, and worked for several years as a graphic and 3D design artist. Lately he has started working in a landscape and urbanism studio in Valencia.

Natacha Issot, who graduated from ENSA Toulouse, is currently in her first year of PhD at the architectural research laboratory in Toulouse (LRA). After two years of Master on the « heritage » thematics, her thesis questions the 20th Century heritage. She particularly takes interest in the recognition of use value in the heritage development process of large housing estates in France. Her thesis deals with different notions about this particular heritage, such as recognition, protection, or valorisation.

Stavros Gyftopoulos is an Αrchitect and Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), obtained his Diploma in Architecture from the same School in 1989. He holds a M.Arch. degree from a combined study at the Bartlett in UCL and the School of Architecture of the University of Sheffield (1991). He is specialized in architectural design and research by design. His architectural interests include methodological and typological approaches to design, implementation of new architecture into historically important places, transformations of contemporary theatre design and its relationship to space and scenography.
Since 2000 Stavros has been teaching at the School of Architecture, NTUA, in the field of architectural synthesis. He teaches architectural synthesis of educational, religious, and cultural buildings, also emphasizing on the integration of new architecture in places of architectural and historical importance. He is an expert in morphological analysis of traditional settlements, and morphological analysis of contemporary architecture. He has also been involved in theatre design and the evolution of scenography.

#3 Resilient modes of inhabitation

Gisela Lameira (Portugal, Viseu, 1978) is an architect and researcher within the “Atlas da Casa” (Housing architectural design and forms of dwelling) working group of the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (FAUP, CEAU). She has a PhD in Architecture (FAUP, 2017). Her research interests include the study of architecture and urban theory and history, specifically the genesis and transformation of multifamily housing in Portugal. She worked as a research fellow on the project “Mapping Public Housing: a critical review of the State-subsidised residential architecture in Portugal (1910-1974)”, hosted by FAUP/ CEAU [P2020-PTDC/CPC-HAT/1688/2014] and is currently undertaking research for the exploratory projects “Ageing in Place / Architecture4Ageing”, “Independent Living Design”, and “Housing Think Tank: reframing multi-family buildings through resilient design strategies (HoTT)” at FAUP, where she also teaches History of Contemporary Architecture for the Integrated Master at FAUP.

Bruno Moreira graduated and has a master in Architecture from FAUP and is currently finishing his PhD in Urbanism in the same institution.
He is a researcher in the Center of Studies for Architecture and Urbanism [CEAU-FAUP] since 2010, focused on the communication and representation of architecture on digital supports and on territorial management instruments, being member of the research groups Urban Dynamics and Morphologies [MDT] and Center for Spatial Communication and Representation [CCRE].
Assistant teacher of CAAD and Photography courses in FAUP [CAAD and CFM, 2010-2013], invited teacher of Computer Aided Architectural Design [CAAD, 2014-2015], Computer Aided Design [DAC, 2015-2016] and of the REVIT training Course [ongoing since 2018].
Certified instructor with interest in interdisciplinary knowledge on architecture, photography, GIS and BIM technologies, 3D modeling and rendering, and programming / web development, fields where he has practical, research and teaching experience.

Jana Horvat (Zagreb, 1993) is an architect and researcher currently working as a teaching assistant at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, where she graduated with highest honours in 2019. Since 2020 she has been enrolled in the PhD programme “Architecture and Urban Planning” at the same Faculty. During her studies she was awarded the Dean’s and Rector’s Awards. She regularly takes part in architectural and urban planning competitions and has been awarded several prizes within various teams of collaborators, most notably the 1st prize in the international “Europan 15: Productive Cities” competition for the location of Karlovac (CRO).

Martina Massari, architect, PhD. Research fellow for the European Project H2020 “ROCK – Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge Cities”. She obtained a PhD cum laude at the University of Bologna in 2020 with a thesis on the “intermediate places” between social innovation practices and urban planning in Bologna. She spent one year as a research assistant at the Chair for Regional Building and Urban Planning at the Leibniz University of Hannover. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna.

Nuno Valentim, born in Porto (1971), degree in Architecture at FAUP (1995), MSc in Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage/Patrimony at FEUP (2007) and PhD in Architecture FAUP (2016) with dissertation and thesis in Architectural Practice, Heritage and Technical regulation. Started independent professional practice in 1994. Assistant Professor at FAUP since 2005 in the areas of Construction, Restoration, and Thesis Project (PhD).
With a vast experience in the rehabilitation of historical buildings, he has overseen the requalification of Casa Andresen in the Botanical Garden of Porto and its conversion into the Biodiversity Hall, the Extension of the Lycée Français International de Porto – Classrooms, Canteen and Sports Pavilion and for the ongoing Bolhão Market Restoration and Modernization project (Porto’s main market).
Selection of awarded works: IHRU/Nuno Teotónio Pereira National Prize and National Urban Rehabilitation Prize 2017/18 to the Rehabilitation of the Albergues Nocturnos do Porto; and the João de Almada Prize 2014 to the Rehabilitation of Marques da Silva’s building from 1928 (in co-authorship with Francisco Barata and José Luis Gomes CEFA-UP)

Ricardo Costa Agarez is an architect and architectural historian, specialised in the history and theory of 19th- and 20th-century cities and buildings, national and regional identities, knowledge dissemination and the circulation of forms, ideas and techniques, housing and public architecture and the architectural culture in bureaucracy. He is currently Senior Researcher at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon; Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project ‘ReARQ.IB – Built Environment Knowledge for Resilient, Sustainable Communities: Understanding Everyday Modern Architecture and Urban Design in the Iberian Peninsula (1939-1985)’ (2021-2026); and of the FCT-funded project “ArchNeed – The Architecture of Need: Community Facilities in Portugal 1945-1985” (2021-2024)

Riccardo Dadina was born in 1995 and graduated in product design at the University of Bologna. Currently, he is an advanced service design student at the same university. He is fascinated by the design world and the designing process as well as by the arts world and, in particular, by theatre; he had the opportunity to work as an actor in the past and now he works as a video editor and graphic designer. These passions made him the curious person he is today: he often seeks new challenges, thanks to which he can improve and develop his skills while facing new processes.

Sara Brysch is an architect, graduated from the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), Portugal. In her diverse work experience in Porto, Berlin, and Mexico City, she has always been interested in minimum affordable housing, participatory design and sustainable construction. She is currently a PhD candidate on co-design processes of collaborative housing at Co-Lab Research, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, a knowledge hub on collaborative housing led by Dr. Darinka Czischke. As part of her PhD trajectory, Sara is also involved in the Co-Lab Mapping project, a pioneering research project that maps and provides a scientifically-validated categorisation of the different collaborative housing forms in Europe, to create the basis for comparative and quantitative studies on the topic.

#4 A new paradigm: retrofitting, re-using, (dis)assembly, up-cycling

Mia Roth-Čerina, PhD, is an architect and associate professor at the Department of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, as well as a Council member of the European Association for Architectural Education. She has taught architectural design since 2001, won numerous architectural competitions and awards in partnership with Tonči Čerina, led extracurricular workshops exploring new modalities in higher architectural education, served as a member of national and international professional, public and faculty bodies, engaged as guest critic and jury member, written and exhibited on both her work and research. Her primary interests in both professional, teaching and research practices are spaces serving the public, particularly educational buildings. Since 2016 she has been serving as Vice-dean of international relations and art at her Faculty, during which time she has extensively worked on involving the school in the pinnacle of relevant architectural education discussions.

Adrian Krężlik, Architect, PhD student and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, where, within the regenerative framework, he investigates the impact of architecture on the environment. He graduated from the Technical University of Łódź (Poland), worked for Zaha Hadid Architects in London, and later for Fernando Romero and Rojkind Arquitectos in Mexico City. In 2014 he created Architektura Parametryczna, a Polish educational platform for digital competencies (parametric design, artificial intelligence, digital fabrication) for designers. In 2020 he co-founded Dosta Tec, a Porto-based firm that develops strategies for restorative renovation of Portuguese housing. In his practice, research and teaching he is interested in methods to regenerate the environment via design. He lectured in Barcelona, Cairo, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Warsaw, to list some. He is a Lecturer at SWPS University in Warsaw, was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Weißensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin.

Clara Vale is an architect by University of Porto (1991), specialized in building physics and Portuguese 20th-century construction history. She holds an MSc in Building Construction from the Faculty of Engineering (1999) and a Ph.D. in Architecture (2012). Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and researcher at CEAU.
Member of the Board of ‘Architects without Borders – Portugal’, ‘Portuguese Society for The Study of Construction History’ and ‘Portuguese Association for the Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage Protection’.
Research focus: 20th Century Construction History; Legislation; Vernacular Architecture; Earthen Architecture; Sustainability; The social role of architecture; Emerging technologies applied to architecture and construction; Rehabilitation and reuse. Supervisor of more than 50 Master’s dissertations and 3 ongoing Ph.D. thesis. She is the co-author of four books and the author or co-author of more than fifty other publications.

Luciana Rocha (Santa Maria da Feira, 1983) is an architect and researcher at Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU/FAUP). She has a degree in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP, 2007) and a PhD in architecture (FAUP, 2016) with the thesis “Intervention in the Modern: Recognition, characterization and safeguard of multifamily housing buildings” under the guidance of Professor Ana Tostões (IST/UL) and Professor Luís Soares Carneiro (FAUP/UP). In the scope of this research, she attended the Techniques et Sauvegarde de l’architecture modern (TSAM) laboratory at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the supervision of Professor Franz Graf. At CEAU, she was part of the team of the FCT project “Mapping Public Housing: a critical review of the State-subsidized residential architecture in Portugal (1910- 1974)” [P2020-PTDC/CPC-HAT/1688/2014]. Currently, she develops research in architectural design and intervention on built heritage with particular reference to preservation measures and energy sustainability strategies. This research is based on the inhabitants’ experiences, which are nourished by a growing interest in the social sciences and cultural studies. She also teaches ‘Building Construction 2’ at FAUP.

Marianthe Papangelopoulou (1993) is an architect based in Athens. She holds an integrated Master’s degree in architecture by the National Technical University of Athens and a Master of Science degree in architecture and urban design by TU Delft (The Berlage Post-master in Architecture and Urban Design). She is currently part of the NTUA research team for the “Social Platform for Holistic Impact Heritage Assessment” (SoPHIA) program. She has worked on diverse projects ranging from housing to public use complexes. Together with Antonis Papangelopoulos and Yannis Mantzaris she participated in ENYO, an interdisciplinary collaboration focused on architecture and spatial research.

Michael Venturelli, graduate student at the Department of Architecture, Cesena branch. He is doing his thesis on urban regeneration and energy redevelopment of a neighborhood, with the aim of improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of that community. His vision is towards a conscious and responsible future of the ecology and sustainability of human actions.

Rémi Papillault is an architect from Paris School of Architecture with specialization on heritage building, PhD on urbanism from Paris Institute of Urbanism, PhD in theories of town planning from EHESS Paris.
As a town planner, he has done projects on heritage site like the Plan of preservation of various historical cities in France like Toulouse, Mirepoix, Lavelanet, Castres, Pierrefonds, and on the historical Toulouse le Mirail from Candilis, Josic, Woods.
As an architect, he has built a Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Toulouse, and design many public spaces in various heritage cities.
As a full professor Phd at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture of Toulouse, he teaches in master project and directs the Master Seminar “History and theories of the project.” As a researcher, he has published research and articles mainly on the heritage between city and architecture in the twentieth century, around the project of Léon Jaussely for Barcelona, of Candilis, Josic and Woods for Toulouse Mirail and Le Corbusier for Chandigarh, Índia.
He is the director of the collection « architectures » at the University Press of Midi, France.

Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger, architect, is a Climate KIC and University of Bologna PhD in Technology for Architecture and a post-doc in the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna with teaching responsibilities. Her main fields of interest are the study of innovative strategies for urban regeneration in the existing built environment, with a specific attention to technological implementation, Smart City, climate change, resilience, mitigation and adaptation strategies, urban microclimate, bioclimatic design. She is a CasaClima Junior expert and Climate KIC Certified Professional in Low Carbon Transition. She is Adjunct Professor of Environmental Design (A.A. 2021-2022) at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna. She published many scientific papers in national and international key journals.

#5 Housing design: modes of education and practice

Luís Soares Carneiro (Porto, 1959), is an Architect and Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. He has a PhD in Architecture with the thesis “Portuguese Theatres with an Italian Root” (FAUP, 2003). Researches and writes about Architecture and History having published, among many other texts, the books “A Estranheza da Estípite. Marques da Silva e o(s) Teatro(s) De S. João” (2010), “Casas Ermas. Os Arquitectos Rebelo de Andrade e os Discursos do Moderno” (2016) and “Três Embaixadas Portuguesas: Londres Madrid e Rio de Janeiro” (2021). He is the author of diverse architectural projects and works, many of them in a heritage context, presented in meetings, conferences and national and foreign publications. Part of this work is published in the monograph “Carlos Guimarães / Luís Soares Carneiro, Obras e Projectos 1988-2003” (2004). Teaches in the Integrated Master’s degree course of FAUP the curricular unit of Project 3, dedicated to the study and practice of the project of Collective/Multifamily Housing.

Rafael Sousa Santos (1991) completed his master’s degree in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) in 2016. During the master’s degree, he participated as an intern at the Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU) of FAUP. He is a researcher at CEAU, in the Digital Fabrication Laboratory (DFL) group, and since 2017, he is a PhD student in the PhD Program in Architecture at FAUP, FCT scholarship, with advisors from FAUP, Politecnico di Milano and Aarhus University. His research addresses the forms of representation and their role in the teaching of architectural design. Between 2017 and 2020 he collaborated in the didactics of the Urban Economics 2 curricular units of the Integrated Master’s in Architecture at FAUP and currently in the Architectural Design in Historical Context Studio curricular unit of the Master’s in Architectural Design and History at AUIC-Politecnico di Milano (since 2021). In 2021, he received a Fulbright Research Grant supported by FCT, for a six-month mobility period at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Débora Domingo-Calabuig graduated in architecture after studies in the School of Architecture of Valencia (Spain) and l’École d’Architecture de Paris-La Défense (France). With a specialized degree in Building Construction, she has practised architecture for many years, as an assistant architect, first and then founding her own office. In 2005 she obtained her doctorate at Universitat Politècnica de València.
She has been a professor at the Department of Architectural Design since 2000. She held the position of Assistant Director for Research from 2012 to 2016 and was Editor in Chief of the “VLC arquitectura” Research Journal its launch to 2018. She is also a Research Academy member of the EAAE.
Her research focuses on the social consideration in architecture and urban design, particularly in the European post-war contexts of the 60s and 70s and with regard to changes in higher education and new campus planning.

Francesco Saverio Fera (Genoa 1962), Master Degree in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano. As a student, worked in Ignazio Gardella’s office at the architectural competition of the reconstruction of the Opera House Carlo Felice in Genoa (1st prize), project by I. Gardella, A. Rossi and F. Reinhart. From 1987 until 1991 worked in Aldo Rossi’s office in Milano being involved in different projects.
Adjunct Professor (2002) at the Charles E. Daniel Center in Genoa, Clemson University S.C. PhD (2000) at the Architectural School of the University of Genoa. Full professor (2020) in Architectural Composition at the School of Architecture of the University of Bologna – Cesena Campus. Actually he is Coordinator of the Master Degree in Architecture (five years course) of the University of Bologna – Cesena Campus.

Gabriella Martini is a student in Architecture at the University Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna – Department of Architecture and she is attending the last year of the Five Year Master Degree in Architecture.
Her interests are focused on sustainable architecture and energy efficiency, like Architectural Design lab, Environmental Technical Physics and Energy Efficiency Design lab, in fact she is part of the GOAL (Green Office of Alma Mater).
She had also attended other classes focused on urban planning and architectural composition, during her tuition she learned how to use BIM software like Revit for 3D modelling.

Leo Modrčin is an architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia, where he also graduated in 1984. He continued his studies at the Pratt Institue in Brooklyn, New York where he obtained his Master’s degree. There he studied with Lebbeus Woods, with whom he later collaborated on a series of projects. He first emerged on the architectural scene in 1996 after winning the Shinkenchiku Membrane Competition with the project for the Old Bridge in Mostar. In 2001, Modrcin started uRED Architecture, a New York City-based practice that culminated with the completion of the widely recognized 59E59 Theatres building in midtown Manhattan in 2004. He regularly lectures and publishes his projects and writings on architecture.
In 2008 he moved back to Croatia to engage in various formats of architectural practice with a focus on teaching. As a commissioner for the Ministry of Culture of Croatia, Modrcin initiated and led a team of distinct Croatian architects in the most significant episode of Croatian architecture in the 21st century, the floating pavilion for the Venice Biennale 2010.

Louise Blé is currently in her second year of master’s degree at Toulouse school of architecture. Her Master’s thesis questions the conception of collective housing in France during the 20th Century. She especially analysed a few examples of “double-aspect living room”. By developing knowledge of this typology her work also questions in different ways the contemporary architecture of collective housing.

Nikos Ktenàs was born in Piraeus, Greece in 1960. From 1977 to 1979, he attended various courses in Mathematics, Physics, Music Theory and Architecture at Columbia University, New York, at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, at The Cooper Union, NY and at the AIFS/ University of London, London. From 1979 to 1983 he studied architecture at the Dept. of Architecture, Art and Planning of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, where in 1983 he obtained his Professional Degree in Architecture.
He established his architectural practice in Lugano (TI), Switzerland in 1987 and in Athens, Greece, in 1993 and lives and works in both locations to the present.
From 1992, he was invited as a critic in various universities in Greece, Italy, France and Switzerland. Has given numerous public lectures on his work and research.
His work has been extensively published in international reviews as well as in the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century Architecture and has been exhibited in various occasions, such as, in the Venice Biennale in 2000, 2006 and 2012, at the Netherlands Institute of Architecture (NAI), Rotterdam in 1998, at the Pavillon de l’Arsenale in Paris, France in 2001, in the Archivio C. Cattaneo in Como, Italy in 2003, at the Benaki Museum in Athens, Greece in 2007 & 2008, at the University of Beograd, Serbia in 2009, to mention a few.
He was awarded a special prize for his work in 2008 from the Hellenic Institute of Architecture (EIA), and has been a candidate for the Mies van der Rohe prize of European architecture in 2001 and 2003.
He has participated and conducted numerous architectural workshops all over Europe. From 1984 to 1992 he taught at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland with Professor Luigi Snozzi. Since 2005 he has been invited Professor of Architecture at the Accademia di Architettura (UNI SI) in Mendrisio, Switzerland 2005 – 2007, at the University of Thessaly – Dept. of Architecture (UTH) Graduate program 2009 – 2011 and currently holds the position of invited professor at the Politecnico di Milano – Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy.
He has a dedicated monographic 95-page publication of his Works and Projects in Greece and abroad by the review “Architecture in Greece”, Orestis Doumanis editor, Athens, Greece, 2006. He is also the author of, Nikos Ktenàs – Semplice / Complesso – Dialoghi di architettura no. 3, +xm Plusform – Iiritti editore, Italia, 2006.

Ricardo Carvalho is a portuguese architect. He was the founder of the studio Ricardo Carvalho Architects & Associates, based in Lisbon, Portugal. He is full professor of Architecture at Da/ UAL Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. He has a degree in Architecture (FA UTL, 1995), and holds a PhD (IST UL, 2012) on urban form and collective housing, both from the University of Lisbon.
Ricardo Carvalho was Visiting Professor at BTU Brandemburg University, Germany (2009-2012), UNAV Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Navarra (2013), Carleton University, Canada (2016-2017) and IUAV School of Architecture of Venice, Italy (2017 and 2021). He has published several books – “A Cidade Social” (Tinta-da-China 2016), “Is Time a Raw Material?” (IUAV 2017) and “Work Situation Process” (A+A 2021) -, scientific articles, has curated exhibitions and organized scientific events.
Ricardo Carvalho work as an architect has been presented in international exhibitions, such as “OVERLAPPPINGS. Six Portuguese Architecture Studios” in the Royal Institute of British Architects in London (2009); “Portugal Convida” in the FAD, Barcelona (2010); “Tradition is Innovation” in Ozone Design Center in Tokyo (2011); “Lisbon Ground” in the Venice Architecture Biennale (2012), “A Room for Mexico City” in Liga, Mexico City (2013) and “Haus Wittgenstein, Art, Architecture & Philosophy” at MAAT Museum, Lisbon (2018).
In 2015 and in 2021 he was nominated for the European Architecture Prize Mies van der Rohe European Award and in 2020 for the Swiss Architectural Prize and in 2020 for the Swiss Architectural Prize.

Next Steps

Carmen Espegel (b.1960) is an award-winning architect and professor at the School of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and focuses her research on Housing (Leader of the Research Group “Collective Housing” – GIVCO), Women in architecture, and Critics. She has written books and numerous articles showing her critical thought, among which the following stand out: #Housetag – How is European Housing defined in the 21st century? (2021), Women Architects in the Modern Movement (2018), Collective Housing 1992- 2015 Vol.II (2016), Collective Housing in Spain 20th century 1929-1992 Vol.I (2013), Eileen Gray: Objects and Furniture Design (2013), Aires Modernos, E.1027: Maison in bord de mer de Eileen Gray and Jean Badovici (2010), and Heroínas del espacio (2008). She is the founder of the firm Espegel Architects whose works have been exhibited on different occasions.

Filipa Roseta is a Deputy of the Portuguese Parliament (since 2019) and member of the following Parliamentary committees: Committee on Economy, Innovation, Public Works and Housing; Committee on Environment, Energy and Spatial Planning; and Culture and Communication Committee; Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon – FAUL and Researcher at the Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design – CIAUD; Councilor of the Municipality of Cascais, responsible for Urban Planning: Territorial Management, Territorial Intelligence and Spatial Planning (2017-2019); Architect Co-founder of Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitetos, with Francisco Vaz Monteiro, co-author of the Centro Comunitário and Igreja da Boa Nova, in Estoril, presented with the prize “Religious Art and Architecture – Interfaith Design – American Institute of Architects” (USA, 2014) and the prize “Abitare il Mediterraneo” awarded by the Union of Architects of Mediterranean Countries (Italy, 2013). She has presented in exhibitions in the USA and Italy and published in several architecture publications (USA, China, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, Spain and Portugal). Filipa Roseta holds a PhD from the Royal College of Art, London, with the thesis “Avenidas Modernas”, a comparative study between Paris, London and Lisbon supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2005-2009); a Master in Contemporary Architectural Culture at FAUL with a dissertation on the Metropolitan and the City (1998-2001); a Diploma in Architecture (FAUL) awarded with “Quelhas dos Santos” prize to the highest average of 1996 (1991-1996). She is also author of several publications, national and international, in the areas of Architecture and City, focusing on the themes of modernity, sustainability, education and innovation.

Vasco Peixoto de Freitas is a Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto-FEUP. Director of the Laboratory of Physics of Constructions – FEUP, since its creation (1991). Counselor Member of the Order of Engineers.
Regent of the curricular units Physics of Constructions, Thermal of Buildings and Pathology, and Rehabilitation of Buildings of the Bachelor and Master’s degree and of the curricular unit Rehabilitation of Buildings, of the course of Advanced Studies in Rehabilitation of the Built Patrimony, at FEUP. Author or co-author of about 400 scientific publications. Coordinator or Author of about 300 studies under the scope of the Building Institute-FEUP.
Coordinator or Author of about 1000 studies and projects under the scope of the office “Professor Engineer Vasco Peixoto de Freitas” in the following domains: Hygrothermal Behavior; Pathology and Rehabilitation; Natural Ventilation; Thermal Behavior and Acoustic Behavior of buildings.

Conclusion and wrap-up

Teresa Calix, PhD, is an architect and assistant professor at FAUP. She is currently the Vice-Dean and the coordinator of the research group “Morphologies and Dynamics of the Territory” at the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism. She coordinates the Dynamics and Urban Forms Research Line among the PhD Architectural Program. She is also the head of the course “Projecto 5” – urban design studio – and “Urbanística 2 “– urban theory – of the Integrated Master in Architecture.
She has coordinated several applied-research projects and her teaching activities are opportunities to deepen the relationships with institutions as well as with experts of several areas of knowledge that relate to urban and sustainable development. This approach has the ambition to help bridging the gap between students and professionals that will in turn help form actors in the field with a firm commitment to equitable and sustainable development.

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