IJUP’s 14th edition took place from 5 to 7 May 2021, on a online format.


Oral Communications

David Correia
18848 | Tomato roots as the major site of Cd detoxification

Ana Olívia Jorge
18781 | Wild Opuntia ficus-indica from northeast of Portugal: Nutritional composition

Carla Santos
18668 | Application of the deffating process as an enhancer of the sensory profile and level of acceptance of snack bars with incorporation of Tenebrio molitor powder


Beatriz Bessa
18785 | Automatic processing of images of chromotropic traps for identification and quantification of Trioza erytreae

Elisângela da Moura Semedo
18427 | Assessment of the impacts of different human activities and river management on the biological diversity of the system – Diatoms

Ricardo Pereira
18501 | Evaluation of the discharge of a WWTP in the water quality of Ferreira River

Oral Communications

Carolina da Silva Pereira
18566 | Classroom space: between tradition and innovation

Esra Arslan
18945 | Earthquake Resistance of Traditional Wooden Dwellings in Turkey

Rafael Monteiro
18612 | Project as a process of (re)cognition: A prospective strategy of continuity and articulation on the banks of the river Ave


Mariana Antunes
18984 | Common Place: inhabiting the city of Porto. Guidelines for an intervention in a designated area for public housing

Alexandra Paulo
18818 | Contemporary Housing Typologies: Experiences in the 21st Century in Portugal

Oral Communications

Leonor Pinto Teixeira
18870 | Turning the tide with thermal pressing: from fish scales waste to sea gems


Maria Teresa Lima
19007 | The Influence of Modernism in Type Design for Signage: Development of Kobalt (Typeface) and Signage for Oficina Cobalto

Oral Communications

Ana Canha- Borges
18860 | CCL18 in colorectal cancer: an emerging pro-invasive and immunosuppressive chemokine in the tumor microenvironment

Gil Mota
18478 | Nanomedicine for stroke: a Polypeptide-based nanosystem to carry curcumin towards the diseased brain

Gabriela Gonçalves
18464 | Probiotic Bacillus spores as antigen delivery vehicles: towards the development of oral vaccines for aquaculture

Beatriz Saldanha
18608 | Serotonin modulation of waxbills’ (Estrilda astrild) behaviour: an experimental approach

Ingrid Teixeira
18493 | Assessment of the chronic effects of deltamethrin in Daphnia magna


Rodrigo Felgueiras
18710 | Modulatory effect of Metformin on AMPK/Sirt1/PGC-1α/Sirt3 pathway in the heart of mouse model of endometriosis

Bruna Santos
18760 | Forgotten expeditions, natural history collections and the description of new species: A review of Francisco Newton’s 1903–1906 expedition to Angola

Cátia Baptista
18752 | Conservation, expression patterns and genomic modulation of zinc transporter genes in Solanum lycopersicum

Helena Ramos
18471 | Toxicological cytotoxic interactions between contaminants from processed meat

Oral Communications

Xavier Cruz Correia
18853 | A Bioisosteric Approach using Aza-Proline (azPro) as a Proline Surrogate in Melanostatin Neuropeptide

Juliana Amorim
18841 | Development of an antidote for Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii russelii) venom factor X activating enzyme (RVVX)

Daniela Flores
18642 | Development of mesoporous silica-based materials for environmental remediation


Hugo Costa-Almeida
18567 | Assembly of Melanostatin Peptidomimetics Using Chiral β-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates

Ana Laura Dias
18658 | A novel route to obtain a xanthonic building block for the synthesis of potential antitumor pyranoxanthone derivatives

Oral Communications

Ricardo Ramalheira
18939 | Euthanasia as an evidence of respect towards the dignity of the human person – a fundamental right


Beatriz Vigo
18767 | The Crime-Terror Nexus as a Vector in Counterterrorism: Making the Case of Cabo Delgado

Oral Communications

Marta Miranda
18385 | Public Policies for Cinema in Portugal: the non-commercial film exhibition sector

Pedro Cavadas
18423 | Self-control in credit cards – view of Libertarian Paternalism

Oral Communications

Mariana Magalhães
18971 | Bioengineering a 3D Breast Tumour Angiogenesis Model

Inês Valdrez
18910 | Medication waste reduction: an approach to access the impacts of unit dose dispensing in community pharmacies in Portugal

Nuno Graça
18440 | Fatigue of mechanical components: a case study


Mariana Fernandes
18733 | Isolation and in-chip characterization of lung cancer circulating tumour cells (CTCs) using a microfluidics device

Oral Communications

Maria Leonor Lemos
18938 | A preliminary study of Campylobacter spp. in dogs in Portugal – a One Health perspective

Verónica Nogueira
18705 | Characterization of a yeast model of human N88S seipinopathy

Rita Ribeiro
18815 | Chemoprevention of Skin Cancer Through the Mutant p53 Reactivator SLMP53-2

Joana Saavedra
18686 | Dissecting unexplored mechanisms underlying Transthyretin neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s Disease

Inês Fernandes
18995 | Graphene oxide, heparin and decellularized arteries: a promising recipe to change the paradigm in cardiovascular diseases?

Diana Moreira
18574 | Health care professionals and the identification of intimate partner violence – new challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic

José Loureiro
18755 | Lower cranial nerves in the neck – an anatomical study

Paula Teixeira
18821 | Reduction of connexin-43 and P2X1 receptor clusters between adjacent cardiomyocyte intercalated discs as a hallmark of endomyocardial fibrosis

Sofia Tavares de Almeida
18620 | Vulnerability and strengths during COVID pandemic – a study on University of Porto student’s psychological state


Beatriz Dias
18394 | Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders in transport service: comparison of a targeted testing versus a genome-wide testing approach

Cátia C. Ramos
18506 | Deciphering the role of glycosylated extracellular vesicles on recipient cell behaviour

Rita Rebelo
19011 | In vitro validation of putative GRP78 inhibitors previously found in silico

João Baltar
18405 | Dissecting the molecular basis for Tlx3 and Prrxl1 cooperation in the development of excitatory dorsal horn neurons

Rute Rebelo
18768 | Immobilization of human neutrophil elastase inhibitors into polysulfone dialysis membranes – a preliminary study

Rute Gonçalves
18888 | Interleukin-1 manipulation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: impact to the infection establishment and progression

Rafaela Rodrigues
19004 | Perirenal Adipose Tissue and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma – “The triad: macrophage-cancer cell-adipocyte”

Ana Mafalda Silva
18367 | A potential inhibitor of homologous recombination DNA repair in triple-negative breast cancer

Oral Communications

André M. Rodrigues
18525 | Saving the King’s Soul and Serving the Kingdom: a study on the Portuguese Royal Chapel (1385-1449)

Tang Yanping
18353 | Creation of Resources for the Development of Listening Comprehension at A1.2 Level in Portuguese as a Second Language

Luisa Barbosa
18459 | Women and War: Female Characters as Victims of Conflict and/or Agents of Their Own Destinies


Ana Paiva
18502 | The World’s Largest Lesson and Education for Sustainable Development: A proposal on the use of the SDG to teach Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Oral Communications

Andreia Silva
18717 | Liquid-based artificial synapses for neuromorphic computing

Leo Vacher
18393 | Astrophysical and local constraints on string theory: Runaway dilaton models


Maria Carolina Barbosa
18536 | Pressure-induced phase transformations of Sr3Hf2O7

Oral Communications

Catarina Sousa
18580 | Effects of credit mobility on the students’ journey: Experiences of outgoing higher education students from sociology and physics

Ana Rodrigues de Lemos
18954 | School Misbehavior: Elementary Students’ Perspectives on Typologies, Attributions, and Strategies


Elaini Doratiotto
18816 | Institutional Higher Education Practices in Portugal for training student workers: how they are understood and applied by teachers and students

Marisa Santos
18698 | Occupational Stress experienced by doctoral graduates in an Anemployment situacion

Oral Communications

Inês Miguel
18764 | How Portuguese Olympic and Paralympic athletes are dealing with the COVID-19 lockdown? A qualitative study about their coping strategies

Isaura Leite
18364 | Training program application and its effects on force-velocity profile and interference on front tuck execution in elite acrobatic gymnasts

Matheus Coelho
18738 | Influence of maturation on tactical performance in soccer: The INEX PROJECT


Anastasia Kulikova
18749 | Evaluation of physical performance in surfskating