IJUP’s 11th edition took place from 7 to 9 February 2018, at the Medical Research Centre of the Faculty of Medicine.

Book of Abstracts and Programme
Oral Communications
Bruno Sousa
14138 | Role of tomato glutathione-S-transferase and the contribution of glutathione metabolism-related enzymes in response to diclofenac – molecular and biochemical approaches
Hélder Fontes
14200 | Simultaneous production of benzaldehyde and hydrogen: Photocatalytic reforming of benzyl alcohol over metal-loaded graphitic carbon nitride
Menção Honrosa
Jorge Lopes
14139 | Responses of tomato plants after the exposure to Cr(VI)
Oral Communications
Ana Filipa Dias
14040 | (Re)Building the Heritage of Douro’s architectural landscapes. The case study of Caldas do Moledo.
Clara Silva
13918 | From memory to imagination, how many steps it goes. A Theory which attempts to understand how reality, Memory and Imagination work in the Drawing Practice.
Poster Communications
Menção Honrosa
Gabriel Correia
14230 | Architecture and Virtual Reality – Inhabiting the FAUP building
Oral Communications
Madalena Real
14051 | Searching for the developmental origin of the visual system in Molluscs
Miguel Montez
14070 | Insights about the molecular control of seed dormancy/germination: R-loops regulate transcription at DOG1 locus
Menção Honrosa
Alexandra Teixeira
14152 | Is there horizontal transfer of BCR-ABL and drug resistance mediated by extracellular vesicles released by BCR-ABL+ cells resistant to Imatinib mesylate?
Poster Communications
Lídia Rocha
14065 | Exploring the bioactivity of white wine phenolics in the context of type II diabetes and Alzheimer disease interlink
Luís Póvoas
14075 | The influence of atmospheric pollution in the expression of allergens in Betula pendula pollen
Menção Honrosa
Inês Costa
14186 | Comparative evolutionary analyses of the protein-protein interactions of the wild-type polyQ proteins ataxin-2 and androgen receptor, associated with neurodegenerative disorders in Homo sapiens
Oral Communications
Daniela Resende
14291 | Vitamin A encapsulation in lipid nanoparticles for food applications: development, characterization and stability
Menção Honrosa
Cláudia Sousa
14194 | Study of chemical contaminants that occur during the curing process of smoked products
Poster Communications
Joana Cardoso
14058 | Fucoidan/Chitosan nanoparticles: the influence of type and amount of polysaccharides
Menção Honrosa
Sílvia Rocha
14226 | Differentiation of Portuguese wines according to their multi-elemental analysis
Menção Honrosa
Soraia Pinto
14014 | Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) as a promising drug delivery system for streptomycin delivery
Oral Communications
Beatriz Pereira
14029 | Towards Bionic Teeth
Menção Honrosa
Carolina Jorge
13907 | Predictive Model for Acceptance of Occasional Deliveries
Poster Communications
Ana Cláudia Brás
13909 | Resistance of geosynthetics used in the base liner system of waste landfills against mechanical damage induced by different aggregates
Oral Communications
Rafael Gonçalves Rocha
13923 | Titin Phosphorylation by Protein Kinase G as a Novel Mechanism of Diastolic Adaptation to Acute Load
Menção Honrosa
Joana Reis
14193 | Liquid biopsy: a game changer in the management of lung cancer patients
Menção Honrosa
Vânia Neves
14105 | Physiologic and stroke mechanics characterization of long distance front crawl
Poster Communications
Ana Rita Brás
13920 | Aneuploidy promotes intestinal dysplasia in Drosophila
Susana Lima
14175 | Complex pre- and postsynaptic effects of DAMGO on excitability of spinal lamina I projection and local-circuit neurons
Menção Honrosa
Beatriz Domingues
14176 | DCA and everolimus as possible therapies to overcome resistance to MAPK inhibitors treatment in cutaneous melanoma patients
Oral Communications
Margarida Pereira
14262 | Heart rate variability and baroreflex in patients with severe brain injury
Pedro Ribeiro
14285 | The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra obtained from Quantum Mechanics
Poster Communications
Menção Honrosa
Nuno Arala
14289 | Playing Snooker on the sides of a box
Oral Communications
Marisa Azevedo
14190 | A Leader Experiencing Unemployment – A Case Study
Stanislav Tsisar
14130 | Assessment Methods in Anatomy – Comparing Traditional Approach and Computer-based Assessment
Poster Communications
Menção Honrosa
Cláudia Vasconcelos
14005 | (Homophobic) Bullying among Students of the University of Porto: Factors and Experiences in the Webs of Gender and Sexual Orientation.
Oral Communications
Svitlana Ostapenko
13930 | Success of Cluster of Demarcated Douro Region under the light of Cluster Life Cycle Theory
Menção Honrosa
Ana Raquel Silva
14279 | The benefits of the progymnasmata in modern day classrooms: articulation between comprehension and writing
Menção Honrosa
Inês Neves
13914 | Justifying the contribution of Rainer Forst to an idea of justice
Poster Communications
Paulo Neto
14110 | Implementing time-driven activity based costing system