APRe! is a national, civic, lay, nonpartisan and non-profit association directed to the portuguese retired and pensioner population. It has been created in 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal, and had its first board members elected in March 4, 2013.
APRe! stands as an active voice representing retired citizens, raising awareness, promoting justice and solidarity amongst the portuguese society, being an advocate regarding the rights of the older population. In addition, APRe! is also focused on fighting solitude and isolation amongst the elderly, improving their quality of life. With these guidelines, APRe! is commited to establish strategic partnerships with diferente organizations in order to promote an healthy and participative ageing.
2035 Foundation is a non-profit, expert organization, specialized in educational activities directed towards older adults. It is engaged in several local projects, also in rural areas, having experience in the field of ICT skills training for different 55+ groups. Many of its activities are registred in the foundation Facebook profile – network – Serdeczna sieć (Hearty Network) which is administrated by the Foundation, being also a place where seniors meet and share information.
The Senior University Florbela Espanca (USFE) is located in Matosinhos, Portugal. It was born from the association of the Lions Club of Matosinhos, Matosinhos City Hall and the Entrepreneurial Association of Matosinhos. The university is managed by a non profit association and quickly became a reference for being an institution that actively delivers knowledge and information in areas that can influence the quality of life of its students, and also for its programmes and activities to promote joy, health, optimism and social life among seniors.
The USFE counts with the collaboration of high quality professionals and promotes the contact with the current cultural trends; stimulates creative activities; promotes mental and physical health; and works in order to foster social relations and friendships which lead to a happier and confident ageing. Therefore, the USFE appears as a place for all those interested in mantaining an healthy lifestyle and being active members of nowadays society regardless of their age or educational background.
Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, incorporated in the Canonical Legal Order, is a charity and social assistance institution, with philanthropic purposes and public utility.
Currently, it’s action is based on the following areas: Social Intervention, Health, Special Education, Education, Culture, Worship, Environment and Special Projects. Due to the number of establishments and users, the vast and valuable heritage, its dignified and prominent history, Misericórdia do Porto is the second oldest and also one of the most important.