Curricular structure
The PhD programme lasts six semesters. In the first two semesters, students must attend a curricular component known as the ‘PhD Course’ (which does not confer a degree):
(1st Semester)
- a Seminar - Theory and Integrated Management of Cultural Heritage (20 ECTS) - common to all three specialities;
- a U.Porto Option Curricular Unit (UC) - the opportunity to attend an optional unit at any Faculty of the University of Porto (within the catalogue stipulated for the Cycle of Studies).
(2nd Semester)
- a Curricular Unit - Thesis Preparation I -, already specified by speciality, designed to outline the research leading to the thesis, so that at the end of this first year the Student will have built their work proposal, to be submitted to a jury, which will determine whether they have the conditions to proceed.
At the beginning of the second year, the student must register their thesis in the National Register of Doctoral Thesis of the Directorate-General for Statistics of Education and Science, after confirmation of the supervisor by FLUP’s Scientific Council, which will accompany them in the development of the research relevant to the project and its writing.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the course lecturers have a consolidated list of contacts/protocols with national and foreign universities and heritage institutions. Over the last few decades, the Department of Heritage Studies has graduated PhDs from Portugal and from a wide range of portuguese-speaking countries.
For scientific and academic inquiries- [email protected]
For administrative inquiries - [email protected]
International Students - [email protected]