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Masters - Educational Offer

Masters Degree in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture

The Master's Degree in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture aims to update and diversify the scientific area of Art History, from the perspective of an expanded field, which has been assuming its rightful place with the broadening of the world of professions related to Heritage and Visual Culture.

Job Opportunities

Work in institutions, companies and other public and private organisations in the areas of Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture; Positions involving the management and dissemination of heritage, as well as the promotion of various artistic manifestations; Applied scientific research in an interdisciplinary environment; Creation of products and communication of tourist information in the field of Art History and Cultural Heritage; Teaching and training through specific qualifications.

Type of Course
Masters Degree
4 Semesters / 120.0 ECTS
Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
Nacional/EU: 1250.00€
International: 4000.00€
CPLP International: 2200.00€

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025

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Curricular structure

The first year of the Cycle of Studies, which is divided into two semesters, constitutes the Course in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture with 60 credits. This course does not confer a degree. The second year of the Cycle of Studies consists of a Dissertation, an Internship or a Project, corresponding to 60 ECTS credits that confer the degree of Master.

The Master's curricular plan is designed to provide advanced training in Art History, equipping students with solid skills to analyse artistic production, its creative processes and its reception over time. In addition, the curricular units selected are also intended to prepare students for the role of heritage intervention and dissemination, promoting active action in safeguarding and communicating heritage.

Institutions where internships have taken place since the 2016/2017 academic year:

Águas e Energia do Porto | A Oficina - Centro de Artes e Mesteres Tradicionais de Guimarães CIPRL | Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto | Câmara Municipal de Barcelos - | Museu de Olaria de Barcelos | Câmara Municipal de Esposende | Câmara Municipal de Gondomar | Câmara Municipal de Lousada | Câmara Municipal da Maia | Câmara Municipal de Mogadouro | Câmara Municipal de Paços de Ferreira | Casa da Arquitetura (Matosinhos) | Cooperativa Árvore | Departamento dos Bens Culturais da Diocese de Viseu | Divisão Municipal de Museus e Património Cultural da Câmara Municipal do Porto | Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee (Florença, Itália) | Galeria Municipal do Porto | Hosek Contemporary (Berlim) | Museu de Serralves | Museu Municipal Abade Pedrosa (Santo Tirso) | Museu Romântico da Quinta da Macieirinha (CMP) | Porto Vivo | Real Irmandade Rainha Santa Mafalda de Arouca | Solar dos Condes de Resende (Vila Nova de Gaia) |SWARK.

Institutions where projects have been carried out since the 2016/2017 school year:

CITCEM | Empatia Arqueologia | Museu Digital UPorto | FEUP | ICBAS| Museu Municipal de Penafiel | Spira, Revitalização Patrimonial.


For scientific and academic inquiries- [email protected]
For administrative inquiries - [email protected]
International Students - [email protected]

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Cr 56/2016/AL01 in Jan. 21, 2023


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: Dec. 20, 2022

Validity of accreditation: 3 years

Information from A3ES