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Bachelor's Degree - Application procedures

Admission to FEUP undergraduate study programmes must be preceded by an application.

Detail of classroom chairs without students.

Applications to FEUP can be national (the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Higher Education) or special (the responsibility of FEUP).

The first admission to Undergraduated study programmes, except in cases falling under the special regimes, is through the National Access, which is the sole responsibility of the Directorate General for Higher Education.  

Special access and entry applications are subject to the conditions and deadlines set out in an annual notice.

Students who have already attended a study programme at the University of Porto or another Portuguese or foreign higher education institution and wish to change to a different institution/study programme can do so through the Pair Institution/Cycle of Studies scheme.

All those who:

  • have been enrolled and registered in another institution/atudy programme pairing but have not graduated;
  • have done the secondary school national examinations that correspond to the entrance examinations required for that specific pairing, in that year, within the general access regime;
  • have obtained in those examinations at least the minimum grade required by FEUP, in that year, within the general access regime.

Holders of a foreign Higher Education degree, provided the degree is duly recognized so as to produce the same effects as the Portuguese degrees.

The Readmission regime is intended for students who, having interrupted their studies, now wish to register in the same higher education institution and cycle of studies they were previously enrolled in, or in the cycle of studies that replaced that one.

The Special Competition for International Students regulates access to undergraduate programmes for candidates who don't have Portuguese nationality or from of another European Union member state and therefore hold the International Student Status (ISS).

International students who hold a qualification that gives them access to higher education (any diploma or certificate attesting to the completion of a secondary education programme in their country of origin and giving them the right to apply for higher education in that country, or a Portuguese secondary education diploma) can apply for this local competition.\

The general legislation on the special competition for international students can be consulted on the website of the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).