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Academic Life - Orientation and Integration

For a successful adaptation at FEUP, it is essential that students feel integrated and supported in emotional and practical matters.

Top view of hands hitting each other in a study environment.


The integration of students at FEUP is crucial for their socialisation and academic success.

We recognise that the university environment is demanding and goes far beyond the classroom and hours spent in the library or laboratories. We believe that it is essential for students to ensure their physical and emotional wellbeing in order to perform well academically.

The organisation of the Orienta-te event for undergraduate students and the “Orientation Days welcome week for Master's and PhD students allows students to feel less disoriented in a new space like FEUP, demystifies differences and discomforts, and promotes integration and the development of academic and social skills and values.

The first step in familiarising oneself with an environment can be exploring the place. A visit to the Faculty to get to know the spaces that will be part of the students' routine (classrooms, library, laboratories, etc.) and a visit to the city of Porto to get to know the local culture can be a good way to start this exploration. The students also have a team of "buddies" who accompany new arrivals and help them to feel that FEUP is their new home.

Talking about diversity, practising respect for differences and finding the added value in this shared richness helps students to reflect on their opinions and to be more empathetic towards their colleagues.

Psychological support

Orientation and Integration Office

It works to support FEUP students and promote their wellbeing and academic success, and is the ideal place to go if you need psychological support, counselling and/or guidance.

Contacts: (+351) 225 081 625 // [email protected]

Intercultural Contact Point (iPoint) FEUP

iPoint focuses its activities on the reception and integration of international Masters and PhD students and promotes the integration of all students in a diverse and healthy academic environment. Identity, both individual and collective, is multiple, changing, incomplete and constantly evolving. The project aims to promote the principles of equality, rights, values and skills, actively encouraging interaction, collaboration and intercultural exchange.

Contacts: (+351) 220 414 502 // [email protected]

Opening hours:

In person: Monday to Thursday, 9.30am-12.45pm

Local Support Centre for Migrant Integration

With the aim of promoting close integration, CLAIM FEUP - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants was created in November 2021, the result of a partnership established with the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA).

CLAIM FEUP's mission is to go beyond information, supporting the entire process of welcoming and integrating international students, liaising with the various local structures and promoting interculturality at local level. This AIMA service, which is part of the iPoint project, provides support and general information in various areas, such as regularisation of residence in national territory, nationality, family reunification, housing, voluntary return, work, health, education, among other everyday issues.

Close-up of an official US visa page, with "VISA" in large white letters on a blue background.

Study Visas

To study in Portugal, you need a study visa. To start your visa application, and if your country's embassy/consulate uses e-visa, register on the e-visa portal, which will assist you throughout the process. If your country's embassy/consulate does not use E-Visa, you should contact the Portuguese consulate or embassy closest to your place of residence directly.

The following citizens are exempt from this requirement

- Citizens of a Member State of the European Union;

- Nationals of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or of a third country with which the EU has signed agreements on the free movement of persons;

- Family members of Portuguese citizens or foreign citizens are included above.

Students who are citizens of the European Union

Students who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union must be in possession of a valid identity card when travelling to Portugal.

EU citizens staying in Portugal for more than 90 days within 3 months of their arrival must apply for a residence card from AIMA, which is valid for one year and can be renewed for identical periods.

Students who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union

Students who are not nationals of a European Union country must obtain a residence visa for study purposes from the Portuguese consulate in their country of origin before travelling to Portugal.

Types of visas

Temporary stay (less than 1 year): for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral students. Temporary stay visas for periods of more than 3 months, for study programmes, student exchanges, training, unpaid internships, voluntary work and obligations under international agreements or conventions.

Residence (more than 1 year): undergraduate, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral programmes. Residence visas for research, study, secondary school exchanges, internships and voluntary work.

On arrival in Portugal and for stays of more than one year, these students must apply for a residence permit/title from AIMA. A temporary residence permit is a title that guarantees a foreigner legal residence in Portuguese territory for a certain period of time, usually one year. If the holder wishes to continue living in Portugal, he or she must renew the permit. If the appointment is not automatically included in the visa, the student must apply to AIMA for an appointment as soon as he or she arrives in Portugal and before the visa expires.

For further information or queries, please contact iPoint:

Contacts: (+351) 220 414 502 // [email protected]