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Knowledge Valuation - Technology Transfer

There are various forms of technology transfer to companies, such as consortium projects, subcontracting and research with patent applications.

Detail of hands near a computer interacting with icons related to technology transfer in augmented reality.

Technology transfer is the transfer to enterprises of the rights to use and commercialise inventions resulting from research activities carried out in the institutions of the scientific and technological system.

Technology transfer can take many forms. At the Faculty of Engineering, the following stand out

  • Development of subcontracted R&D activities. The client contracts the services to FEUP and retains the rights to use and commercialise the inventions resulting from the provision of the service;
  • Projects in consortium with companies. There may be different configurations regarding the ownership of the intellectual property rights and their commercial exploitation. In any case, whenever there is a transfer of (co-)ownership of IP rights by FEUP in favour of business partners, FEUP must receive fair compensation from the companies, calculated at market prices;
  • Basic research projects leading to the registration of patents. These results will be recognised by the University of Porto;
  • Activities carried out by students under the supervision of FEUP professors and/or researchers. In the case of master's and doctoral theses carried out in collaboration with companies, specific agreements will be signed to regulate issues related to intellectual property rights and their commercial exploitation.

U.Porto Inovação is the structure of the University of Porto that formalises the technology transfer to industry of the rights of use and commercialisation of the patents held by U.Porto.

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