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Knowledge Valuation - Open Innovation

FEUP promotes the sharing of knowledge with society through partnerships with European and international networks to facilitate open innovation.

FEUP is an institution of public utility that manages its activities with a view to opening up to the outside world. We believe that knowledge should be shared, involving partners and all those who wish to share the mission of valorising science as a fundamental vector of technological progress. As an international school, we must position ourselves to seek links with European and international networks that can serve as a facilitating link in the valorisation of knowledge, in line with the assumptions of open innovation.

Business and Innovation Network (BIN@)

The BIN@ network is an international platform for sustainable open innovation that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, the value of knowledge and its transfer to society, and highlights the impact of research and the vital role of universities in economic growth. Launched by FEUP in 2010, it is now one of the most important global gatherings on innovation practices, trends and opportunities, with around 5,000 delegates from more than 60 countries.

Contacts: [email protected]

The BIN@ network has been identified by EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health) as a best practice in promoting knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Contacts: [email protected]