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Media FEUP - Identity Manual

Wooden table with pantone colour chart and sheet with graphic and lettering studies.


Evolution of the U.Porto trademark

The graphic changes, both to the text of the Minerva symbol (from 'Universitas Portucalensis' to '1762 Virtus Unita - Fortius Agit 1911') and to the logo, were presented by the Rectorate of the University of Porto. These changes are based on concepts of continuity and evolution, where we have sought to dialogue with the brands of the past, proposing a current and contemporary solution for the visual identity.

The figure of Minerva is the image of excellence of the University of Porto. She represents high thinking, letters, music, art, wisdom and intelligence. The preservation of this symbol was motivated by the need to communicate the institution with its historical weight, to preserve its sigillum.

The context in which this image is used is that of high representation of the institution, related to special publications, sealing of documents, diplomas of merit, watermarks on institutional paper; it should only be used under technical conditions that guarantee the quality of the reproduction.

Evolução do logotipo da U.Porto

FEUP Logo/Symbol

FEUP combines history and technology to form a network that projects it at national and international levels. The new communication strategies are based on this framework and aim to extend the message, looking for new ways and means of communication for the intended purpose.

Given the growing need for the new version of the logo to be used by teachers, technicians and students, we have produced this new graphic identity manual in simple, less technical language to facilitate the use of the logo in the various communication media.

The new image of the University of Porto aims to unify it across all its faculties. The formal solution emphasises the abbreviation U. as a counterpoint to the word Porto, contributing to the dynamism of the whole. The configuration of the logo should allow it to effectively cover a wide range of contexts, media and communication conditions.

The logo has been designed according to the following functional principles:

. Belonging, in that it is adopted by the U.Porto community;

. Recognition, in that it is present in a transversal and global way, in circumstances and moments that concern U.Porto;

. Character, in that it stands out from the surrounding plurality.

In the case of FEUP, the name of the organisational unit should be used in full, followed by the name of the University of Porto, also in full.

Evolução do logotipo da FEUP



The colours to be used remain the same, with no exceptions. In recent years it has been decided not to overload graphic materials with the technical colour and to use other types of graphic options such as white backgrounds or light coloured images. Please note that FEUP's colour will look different when printed and when viewed on a monitor.

The CMYK/PANTONE subtractive colour system is used for printing. These colours are used on all physical media such as paper, metal, wood, plastic, fabric, etc.

The RGB additive colour system is used for monitor/beamer colours. In this case, colours are only visible through the emission of light from electronic devices.

Cromatismo do logotipo

As well as the standard version, there are other versions that can be used on non-white backgrounds, such as monochrome applications.

The logo variants are available for download in TIFF, PNG and EPS formats.

TIFF is an image format that must be used in the printing process.

PNG is another image format that supports transparency, has a wide colour gamut and allows for high compression. The PNG images supplied have transparent backgrounds and are intended for use on screen.

EPS is a file format that allows the logo to be resized without loss of quality.

Logotipo FEUP

Version with official colours

Versão monocromática do logotipo da FEUP

Monochrome version on FEUP-coloured background

Versão monocromática do logotipo da FEUP

Monochrome version on a black background

Versão monocromática do logotipo da FEUP

Monochrome version: open white on a grey background above 50% black

Versão monocromática do logotipo da FEUP

Monochrome version: black on a grey background below 50% black

Avoid using the FEUP trademark/logo on backgrounds that are not uniform, i.e. on contrasting photographs or with large colour variations.

Alternatively, the brand/logo should be well legible on a contrasting background.

Regras de utilização do logotipo FEUP sobre imagens.

The logo is sometimes used incorrectly.

Here are some examples of mistakes made when using the logo/symbol.

Exemplos de má utilização do logotipo da FEUP

The protection area is established by the mode and measures presented and must be reserved from any other graphic element, be it text, symbol, etc.

Área envolvente do logotipo

When applying the logo to the various communication media, the minimum dimensions must be taken into account so that the logo is legible enough to be read comfortably and without too much difficulty.

Dimensão mínima

Most institutional communication materials use a FEUP coloured bottom bar with the logo inserted in white.

The aim is to maintain a coherent and visually similar image across all communication materials so that they can be more easily identified as belonging to FEUP.

The proportions and an example of use on a communication medium are shown opposite.

The height should take into account the protected area of the logo and the width of the bar should follow the overall width of the document.

The size of the logo must never be smaller than the minimum size.

Exemplos de aplicação da barra identificativa da FEUP

Use of typefaces

In the proposal for the brand, logo and organic unit of the Rectorate of the University of Porto, the fonts to be used are Bauer Bodoni Roman (for the U.Porto brand) and Scala Sans for the secondary typography - in the case of the Faculties.

The Bauer Bodoni Roman and Scala Sans fonts are licensed and are not included in the Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh and Ubuntu Linux operating systems, so they will only be used for the brand/logo.

The font used for the text component is Georgia, as it is available on these operating systems.

In certain communication materials, where it is necessary to differentiate between different types of information, the Trebuchet MS font is used.

This font is also included in the aforementioned operating systems.

The Faculty's Design Office also uses the licensed font Myriad Pro for institutional communication materials.



Application examples

Simple graphic line

The letterhead can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format.

For printing, the files should be requested from the FEUP design office.

Papel de carta geral

General stationery

Papel de continuação

General continuation role

The DL envelope can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format.

For printing, the files should be requested from the FEUP design office.

Envelope DL geral

DL Envelope - general

envelope DL das subunidades orgânicas

DL Envelope - Organisational Subunits

O envelope C5 está disponível para download nos formato Microsoft Word.

Para impressão em gráfica, os ficheiros devem ser solicitados ao gabinete de design da FEUP.

Envelope C5 geral

C5 Envelope - general

Envelope C5 subunidades orgânicas

C5 envelope - organic subunits

The C4 envelope can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format.

For printing, the files should be requested from the FEUP design office.

Envelope C4 geral

C4 Envelope - general

Envelope C4 subunidades orgânicas

C4 envelope - organic subunits

The FEUP personal card model can be single- or double-sided.

Graphically, the front and back are identical and a photograph can be included if desired.

There is also a card model for dual membership.

A detail of Minerva is used as the background image.

Cards should be requested from FEUP's design office.

Cartão pessoal - 1 face

FEUP personal card - 1 side in PT

Cartão pessoal dupla face com fotografia

FEUP personal card - double-sided (PT and UK) with photo

Cartão pessoal com dupla afiliação

Double-sided membership card

Cartão pessoal com dupla afiliacao - dupla face com fotografia

Double-sided membership card with photo

Digital media

Template para websites

Template para websites

The document in question is the institutional presentation of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which covers various relevant aspects of the institution, such as data on its community and environment, its courses and research areas, its projects and international partnerships, among others. It is a complete and informative piece of material that provides the community with a tool to support the presentation and dissemination of FEUP's vision and commitment to academic excellence and technological development.




Application examples



