As a modern institution where new scientific and societal challenges are constantly emerging, FEUP is strongly committed to reaching out to different groups in society when it comes to communicating science. It is essential to develop innovative strategies to engage the public, beyond the university community, in a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of engineering in our society.
Engineering in a Minute was the first major institutional campaign developed by FEUP as part of a wider scientific culture. Promoted with the support of COMPETE and Ciência Viva, the project highlighted the multidisciplinary nature of engineering and its presence in people's daily lives. The television programme was part of a wider strategy to disseminate scientific knowledge to non-specialist audiences, while at the same time helping to demystify the complexity of science and technology, showing that it is ubiquitous in human life. Over a 12-month period, the programme was broadcast on RTP N, Público Online and Rádio Nova to promote a wider scientific culture and interaction between society and experts.
Scientific exhibitions and shows
Participation in scientific exhibitions and shows is also strongly encouraged at FEUP, in an effort that involves the faculty's departments and research units. The main goal is to publicise the research carried out in the laboratories and to widen the opportunities for collaboration with the different research groups in the FEUP universe.
To this end, FEUP often participates in national and local scientific promotion initiatives.