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Society - Public Administration

FEUP is committed to modernising public administration by working with organisations to develop service management platforms.

Facade of the FEUP building with the name of the Faculty in full in monobloc letters.

The Polytechnic Academy was founded in 1837 and its mission has always been "to train engineers, naval officers, pilots, craftsmen, farmers, factory managers and artists". In the almost two centuries of the institution's history, there have been many cases of personalities and FEUP graduates who have contributed greatly to the development of Portuguese industry, closely linked to the industrial and business fabric of the North of the country. It's a link that still exists today, in a commitment to transforming the national economy and making it more competitive.

From the FEUP PRIME strategic alliance to the management of cooperation protocols with companies and/or public bodies, the Faculty of Engineering has kept pace with the evolution of engineering trends and technological advances, in a clear tradition of connection with society. This is evidenced by the constant requests for expertise, the coordination of studies, legal opinions and the development of management platforms within the public administration.