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Society - Culture

FEUP acknowledges the importance of culture in the holistic development of its students and in promoting personal and social growth.

FEUP Classical Orchestra in concert in the auditorium.

Created in 2002 by the FEUP Directorate, the FEUP Cultural Commissariat aims to provide the FEUP and University of Porto communities with the opportunity to participate in and enjoy cultural and artistic activities. This is achieved through a regular programme of music, theatre, exhibitions, film cycles, debates on art and society, etc., some of which are promoted in partnership with other recognised cultural institutions.

The programme showcases the work of external cultural entities made up of professionals (partnerships with the Opera Orchestra in Academia and the City (OAC) and the Porta-Jazz Association), while also organising a series of internal projects developed with and for the FEUP community.

Cultural projects

The FEUP Jazz Group, the FEUP Vocal Group, the FEUP Painting Workshop, the FEUP Classical Orchestra and the FEUP Theatre Project are led by specialised and recognised professionals in their respective fields. These projects involve members from across the university and take place throughout the academic year, with around 150 participants meeting weekly.

Made up of students, faculty, staff and alumni, these projects are regularly presented both at FEUP and as part of other academic initiatives representing the University of Porto.

Contact: [email protected]

The Library

The FEUP Library's mission is to provide students, teachers, researchers and technicians with scientific, pedagogical, technical and cultural information to support their academic and functional activities, their cultural development and their social integration.

It aims to:

  • Manage all the bibliographic and documentary heritage owned by FEUP or placed at its disposal by deposit or loan.
  • Identify, select, acquire, process, preserve, disseminate and make accessible the information resources that support the activities of its users.
  • Use the most effective and efficient systems, technologies and techniques for storing, accessing and disseminating information.
  • Define user typologies and provide services suited to the characteristics and needs of each one.
  • Establish procedures for evaluating both the use of its resources and services and their quality.
  • Maintaining research activities in the fields of librarianship, archivistics, museology, scientific-technical information management and management of information and documentation services.
  • Collaborating with other FEUP units on projects of common interest.
  • Establish partnerships with other national and international organisations to share resources, work together and cooperate on R&D projects.

Contact: [email protected]

Reading Club

As one of the main points of access to culture, the library also organises various cultural activities. In order to encourage the reading habits of the community, the Library, which has a significant and diverse non-technical bibliographic collection, created the FEUP Reading Club in 2010, which organises sessions to encourage debate on authors and literary works. The aim is to broaden the literary base of the students, teachers and staff of the Faculty of Engineering, while encouraging debate on authors and works of undeniable literary value.

Contact: [email protected]

The Archives and Museum

The FEUP Archives are a collection of services relevant to administrative practice, research into the memory of the institution and its cultural exploitation. The functions of the archives include the supervision and rationalisation of the production and reception of information, its collection, selection, description, storage, installation, access and dissemination.

The FEUP Museum was created with the aim of inventorying, conserving and disseminating an extensive collection of artefacts and equipment of high heritage, scientific and technological value, as well as information in other media.

Contacts: [email protected] // [email protected]