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Higher Education - Global Engagement

The Faculty of Engineering positions itself as an institution committed to creating international opportunities for its community of students and staff.

Map of the World in lines of blue plexus light on a black background.

FEUP promotes a wide range of international opportunities for its students and staff, believing that only through global engagement can the challenges of today's society be addressed.

The global involvement of the FEUP community is based on international cooperation in education and research, supported by international agreements that enable the mobility of students, faculty, researchers, and technical-administrative staff.

In this context, Erasmus+ agreements, primarily in Europe, hold particular significance, as do MOBILE agreements with Brazil and SMILE agreements with Latin America within the scope of the MAGALHÃES Network.

The international recruitment of students and staff, along with academic cooperation, fosters a multicultural environment where the participation, engagement, and full integration of the entire community are actively encouraged.