FEUP is an organic unit of education and research within the University of Porto, endowed with statutory, scientific, pedagogical, administrative, and financial autonomy, as well as its own tax status.
FEUP's governing bodies include the Representative Council, the Dean, the Executive Council, the Scientific Council and the Pedagogical Council.

The Representative Council consists of 15 members, distributed as follows:
- Nine representatives holding a doctorate, from the teaching or research staff of FEUP;
- Four representatives from students, from any study cycles at FEUP;
- One representative from the technical or administrative staff of FEUP;
- One external personality co-opted by the other members of the Representative Council.
The responsibilities of the Representative Council include:
- Organising the election procedure for the personality to be proposed for the position of Dean of FEUP, in accordance with the law, the FEUP Statutes, and the applicable regulations;
- Approving its operating regulations;
- Approving amendments to the FEUP Statutes;
- Reviewing the actions of FEUP's Dean and the Executive Council;
- Proposing initiatives deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the institution;
- Carrying out other duties as outlined by law or the FEUP Statutes;
- Deciding on the creation, merger, transformation, or dissolution of FEUP research units, in consultation with the Scientific Council.
The Representative Council, upon proposal from FEUP's Dean, is also responsible for:
- Approving the electoral regulations for the Scientific Council and the Pedagogical Council, after consulting the respective Councils;
- Approving the proposals for FEUP's strategic plans and the action plan for the Dean's four-year mandate, and submitting them to the General Council;
- Approving the organisational regulations of FEUP;
- Approving the general guidelines for FEUP in the scientific, pedagogical, and financial areas;
- Creating, transforming, or dissolving organisational subunits of FEUP;
- Approving the proposals for the annual activity plan and budget for FEUP and submitting them to the Rector;
- Approving the activity report and annual accounts and submitting them to the Rector;
- Giving an opinion on any other matters presented by the Dean of FEUP.
Current Constitution
Teaching or Research Staff
Adélio Miguel Magalhães Mendes
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça
Bernardo Sobrinho Simões de Almada Lobo
Humberto Salazar Amorim Varum
Manuel Fernando Gonçalves Vieira
Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla
Paulo José Lopes Machado Portugal
Pedro Manuel Leal Ribeiro
Sofia Isabel Vieira de Sousa
David Bruno Fernandes Neves
Carolina da Fonseca Coutinho
Matilde Nunes Vieira
Pedro Miguel Costa Marques
Technical or Administrative Staff
Célia Alexandra Teixeira Cerqueira
External Personality
Currently, FEUP's Dean is Professor Rui Calçada.
The responsibilities of the Dean include:
- Representing FEUP in the Senate, before the other governing bodies of the institution, and externally;
- Presiding over the Executive, Scientific, and Pedagogical Councils;
- Approving the academic calendar and schedule, after consulting the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils;
- Implementing the decisions of the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils when binding;
- Exercising the disciplinary powers delegated by the Rector;
- Submitting FEUP's strategic plans and the action plan for the four-year term of their mandate to the Representative Council, after consulting the Scientific Council;
- Proposing the general guidelines for FEUP in the scientific, pedagogical, and financial areas to the Representative Council;
- Submitting the budget, activity plan, activity report, and accounts to the Representative Council;
- Proposing the creation, transformation, or dissolution of FEUP's organisational subunits to the Representative Council, after consulting the Scientific Council;
- Drawing up conclusions on the evaluation reports of the research units within FEUP and those involving its teaching and research staff;
- Proposing to the Rector the creation or modification of courses, after consulting the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils;
- Proposing to the Rector the maximum values for new admissions and registrations, in accordance with legal requirements;
- Issuing regulations necessary for the proper functioning of FEUP;
- Approving the distribution of teaching duties, considering its feasibility from a financial and operational perspective;
- Deciding on the appointment and hiring of staff in any capacity;
- Collecting and managing revenues and authorising expenses and payments;
- Deciding on the acceptance of movable assets;
- Appointing and dismissing department heads, course/programme leaders, research unit directors, and service managers at FEUP, in accordance with the law and the statutes;
- Exercising the functions delegated by the Rector;
- Performing any other duties outlined by law;
- Approving the regulations for the organisational subunits.
The Executive Council consists of:
- The Dean;
- Four members (vogais).
The members are appointed by the Dean and perform the following roles:
- Deputy Dean;
- Vice-President of the Scientific Council;
- Vice-President of the Pedagogical Council;
- Other functions assigned by the Dean.
The responsibilities of the Executive Council include:
- Assisting the Dean in the exercise of their duties;
- Exercising the powers delegated by the University's Management Council.
Composition of the Executive Council
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Renato Manuel Natal Jorge
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso
Ana Paula Cunha da Rocha
Ana Sofia Moreira dos Santos Guimarães Teixeira
The Scientific Council is one of the central management bodies of the Faculty, consisting of 25 members:
- The Dean of FEUP, who presides;
- The Vice-President of the Scientific Council;
- 14 representatives of the career teaching and research staff;
- 2 representatives of other full-time teaching and research staff, with contracts of no less than one year, who hold a doctoral degree;
- 7 representatives from research units, recognised and evaluated in accordance with the law with at least a "very good" rating, in which FEUP's career teaching and research staff, or other doctoral-qualified teaching and research staff, also participate, provided these staff members are contracted by FEUP for a minimum period of one year.
The responsibilities of the Scientific Council include:
- Drafting and approving its operating regulations;
- Giving its opinion on the proposals for FEUP's strategic plans;
- Reviewing FEUP's scientific activity plan;
- Giving its opinion on the creation, merger, transformation, or dissolution of FEUP's organisational subunits;
- Giving its opinion on the creation, merger, transformation, or dissolution of FEUP's research units;
- Giving its opinion on the conclusions, drawn by the Dean, regarding the evaluation reports of research units within FEUP and those involving its teaching and research staff;
- Deciding on the distribution of teaching duties, subject to the Dean's approval;
- Giving its opinion on the creation of study cycles involving FEUP and approving the respective curricula;
- Proposing the awarding of titles or honorary distinctions;
- Proposing and giving its opinion on the establishment of awards;
- Proposing and giving its opinion on the establishment of international agreements and partnerships;
- Proposing the composition of juries for exams and academic competitions;
- Performing other actions provided by law related to the teaching and research career and the recruitment of teaching and research staff;
- Giving its opinion on its electoral regulations.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso
Representatives of the Departments
Francisco de Almeida Taveira Pinto
João Manuel Abreu dos Santos Baptista
João Manuel Paiva Cardoso
João Manuel Ribeiro da Silva Tavares
José Fernando da Costa Oliveira
Manuel Fernando Gonçalves Vieira
Manuel Fernando Ribeiro Pereira
Manuel Pereira Ricardo
Paulo Jorge Valente Garcia
Career Teaching and Research Staff
Adélio Miguel Magalhães Mendes
António Joaquim Mendes Ferreira
António Manuel Azevedo Ferreira
Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla
Paulo Manuel de Araújo Sá
Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro Camanho
Sofia Isabel Vieira de Sousa
Non-career Teaching and Research Staff
Ana Alexandra da Silva Pereira
Maria José Fernandes Sampaio
Representatives of the Research Units
Alexandra Maria Pinheiro da Silva Ferreira Rodrigues Pinto (CEFT)
Álvaro Alberto de Matos Ferreira da Cunha (CONSTRUCT)
Gabriel de Sousa Torcato David (INESC Tec)
Joaquim Luís Bernardes Martins de Faria (LSRE-LCM)
Luís Paulo Gonçalves dos Reis (LIACC)
The Pedagogical Council consists of 16 members, equally divided between representatives of the teaching or research staff and students, with the following distribution:
- The Dean of FEUP, who presides;
- The Vice-President of the Pedagogical Council;
- Six representatives of the teaching staff from any study cycle programmes;
- Eight representatives of students from any study cycle.
The responsibilities of the Pedagogical Council include, among others:
- Drafting and approving its operating regulations;
- Giving its opinion on pedagogical guidelines and methods of teaching and assessment;
- Promoting regular surveys on FEUP's pedagogical performance and their analysis and dissemination;
- Promoting the evaluation of teaching performance by both teachers and students, and their analysis and dissemination;
- Reviewing complaints related to pedagogical issues and proposing necessary measures;
- Approving the pedagogical and student assessment regulations;
- Giving its opinion on the prescription and prerequisite rules;
- Giving its opinion on the creation of study cycles involving FEUP and approving their respective curricula;
- Giving its opinion on the establishment of academic awards;
- Giving its opinion on the academic calendar and exam schedules at FEUP;
- Giving its opinion on its electoral regulations.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Ana Paula Cunha da Rocha
Representatives of the Teaching Staff from Programmes of Any Study Cycle
Abílio Manuel Pinho de Jesus
Aníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos
Elsa de Sá Caetano
João Paulo de Castro Canas Ferreira
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça
Rosaldo José Fernandes Rossetti
Representatives of Students from Any Study Cycle
Afonso Marques Madaleno
Rodrigo Ribeiro Novais Alves
Joana Manuel Ramos de Almeida
Iris Freitas Branco
Joana Gomes de Brito
João Francisco Ferreira Maldonado
Sara de Oliveira Cortez
FEUP is under the supervision of the University's Supervisory Board.
Director's Secretariat
Head: Fátima Araújo
Contacts: (+351) 225 081 622 / (+351) 225 081 407 // [email protected]
The Coordination Structure of the Departments is composed of the Department Directors and is presided over by the Dean of FEUP or by the member of the Executive Council to whom the role is delegated.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Deputy Dean
Renato Manuel Natal Jorge
Head of Department
Francisco de Almeida Taveira Pinto (DECG)
João Manuel Paiva Cardoso (DEI)
João Manuel Ribeiro da Silva Tavares (DEMec)
José Fernando da Costa Oliveira (DEGI)
Manuel Alberto Pereira Ricardo (DEEC)
Manuel Fernando Ribeiro Pereira (DEQB)
The Coordination Structure of the Services is composed of the Service Directors and is presided over by the Dean of FEUP or by the member of the Executive Council to whom the role is delegated.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Deputy Dean
Renato Manuel Natal Jorge
Vogais do Conselho Executivo
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso
Ana Paula Cunha da Rocha
Ana Sofia Moreira dos Santos Guimarães Teixeira
Heads of Service
Luís Miguel Costa (SDI)
Sandrina Vieira (DRH)
Matilde Moreira (SERAC)
Carlos Oliveira (SICC)
Gisela Marques Pinto Correia (SEF)
Paula Cristina Pereira Rego (STMA)
Rui Calçada (SEAG)
The Coordination Structure of the Programs is composed of the Program Directors and is presided over by the Dean of FEUP or by the member of the Executive Council to whom the role is delegated.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Vice-President of the Scientific Council
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso
Vice-President of the Pedagogical Council
Ana Paula Cunha da Rocha
Program Directors
First Degree
Aníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos (L.EEC)
Rosaldo José Fernandes Rossetti (L.EIC)
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça (L.BIO)
Joana Moreira Dias (L.EA)
Laura Maria Melo Ribeiro (L.EMAT)
Abílio Manuel Pinho de Jesus (L.EM)
Fernão Domingos de Montenegro Baptista Malheiro de Magalhães (L.EQ)
Luís Paulo Gonçalves dos Reis (L:IACD)
Carlos Daniel Diogo Matias Pintassilgo (L:EF)
Vera Lucia Miguéis Oliveira e Silva (L.EGI)
Maria de Lurdes Proença de Amorim Dinis (L.EMG)
Miguel Ângelo Carvalho Ferraz (L.EC)
Albertino José Castanho Arteiro (L.AERO)
Continuity Masters
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça (M.BIO)
Joana Moreira Dias (M.EA)
Rui Pedro Amaral Rodrigues (M.EIC)
João Paulo de Castro Canas Ferreira (M.EEC)
Laura Maria Melo Ribeiro (M.EMAT)
Marco Paulo Lages Parente (M.EM)
Fernão Domingos de Montenegro Baptista Malheiro de Magalhães (M.EQ)
Maria de Lurdes Proença de Amorim Dinis (M.EMG)
Pedro Sanches Amorim (M.EGI)
Carlos Daniel Diogo Matias Pintassilgo (M:EF)
José Miguel de Freitas Castro (M.EC)
Henrique Daniel de Avelar Lopes Cardoso (M.IA)
Stand-alone Masters
Carla Alexandra Teixeira Lopes (MCI)
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça (MEB)
Mário Augusto Pires Vaz (MESHO)
Jorge Daniel Grenha Luís Teixeira (MESG)
João José da Cunha e Silva Pinto Ferreira (MIET)
Jorge Manuel Gomes Barbosa (MM)
Fernando Jorge Lino Alves (MDI)
José Joaquim da Mota Machado (MMC)
Fernando Manuel Brandão Alves (MPPU)
António Joaquim Pereira Viana da Fonseca (MMSEGEO)
João Carlos Pascoal Faria (MESW)
António Abel Ribeiro Henriques (MESTEC)
Bárbara Rangel Carvalho (MPRINCE)
José Luís Cabral de Moura Borges (MECD)
António José Fidalgo do Couto (MGMU)
Miguel Fernando Paiva Velhote Correia (MVCOMP)
Jorge Manuel Fachana Moreira da Costa (MBUILD)
Doctoral Programs
Ana Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Faria de Mendonça (PRODEB)
Elsa de Sá Caetano (PRODEC)
Maria de Lurdes Proença de Amorim Dinis (PDEMGR)
Adrián Manuel Tavares da Silva (PDEA)
Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida (PDEEC)
Joana Cassilda Rodrigues Espain de Oliveira (PRODEF)
Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes de Carravilla (PRODEGI)
Rui Filipe Lima Maranhão de Abreu (PRODEI)
Pedro Manuel Leal Ribeiro (PRODEM)
Manuel Fernando Gonçalves Vieira (PDEMM)
Filipe José Menezes Mergulhão (PDEQB)
Francisco Manuel Andrade Pires (DLIT)
António Fernando Vasconcelos Cunha Castro Coelho (PDMD)
João Manuel Abreu dos Santos Baptista (DEMSSO)
Jorge Manuel Pinho de Sousa (PDST)
João Abel Peças Lopes (PDSSE)
Aníbal João de Sousa Ferreira (MAP-T)
Fernando Gomes Martins (PDERPQ)
João Alberto Vieira Campos Pereira Claro (PDEPP)
Fernando Manuel Brandão Alves (PDPT)
Maria Ascensão Ferreira Silva Lopes (PDMPA)
Advanced Studies
Vítor Manuel da Silva Leal (EASSE)
Francisco Manuel Andrade Pires (EAiEP)
João Pedro Gomes Moreira Pêgo (EAEP)
Eva Sofia Botelho Machado Barreira (EARPE)
The members, by virtue of their position, of the Coordinating Council for Evaluation are the Dean of FEUP, who presides, the Deputy Dean of FEUP, and the Mid-level Human Resources Manager of FEUP. Additionally, two Heads of Department and two Heads of Service from FEUP serve as members of the Coordinating Council for Evaluation, with a two-year mandate.
The responsibilities of the Coordinating Council for Evaluation include:
- Establishing guidelines for the objective and harmonious application of the performance evaluation system for the relevant staff;
- Ensuring the selectivity of the evaluation system, including validating final evaluations of "Very Good" or higher;
- Issuing opinions on complaints from those being evaluated;
- Conducting performance evaluations in the absence of the immediate superior;
- Proposing the adoption of specific evaluation systems in accordance with Law No. 10/2004, of March 22 (which creates the integrated performance evaluation system for public administration – SIADAP).
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
Deputy Dean
Renato Manuel Natal Jorge
Mid-level Manager of the Human Resources Division
Sandrina Fernandes Vieira
Head of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Manuel Fernando Ribeiro Pereira
Head of the Department of Informatics Engineering
João Manuel Paiva Cardoso
Heads of Service
Gisela Marques Pinto Correia
Luís Miguel Meireles Bessa Costa
Substitute Members
Jorge Humberto Oliveira Seabra
Adriano da Silva Carvalho
António Júlio Afonso de Vasconcelos
Jorge Augusto dos Santos Pópulo
The Coordination Structure of the R&D Units is composed of the Coordinators of the R&D Units based at FEUP, including hubs and competence centers, and is presided over by the Dean of FEUP or by the member of the Executive Council to whom the role is delegated.
Current Constitution
Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada
R&D Units
- Centre for Transport Phenomena Studies
- Research Centre for Territory, Transport, and Environment
- Research Centre in Systems and Technologies
- Centre for Natural Resources and Environment - FEUP Campus
- R&D Institute in Structures and Construction
- LA LSRE-LCM - Associated Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Processes
- Laboratory of Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology, and Energy
- LIACC - Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science - FEUP Unit