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Impact - Sustainability

FEUP is committed to sustainability in its various activities.

Sustainability, with all its economic, social and environmental dimensions, is currently a cornerstone of developed societies and their key institutions. Aware of its important role in society, FEUP strives to optimise the positive impact and minimise the negative impact of its activities, while contributing to the United Nations 2030 Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

In 2022, FEUP launched a large-scale project involving all departments with the aim of equipping students with skills that will enable them to actively contribute to environmental, social and economic challenges. This project represents a significant investment in strengthening a culture of sustainability in the wider community.

Economic Plan

On the economic front, it should be noted that in 2021 FEUP's income was 58.83 million euros. Of this amount, 49% came from the state budget, while the rest was mainly self-generated income or income from R&D projects. In the same year, FEUP was responsible for 1,257 jobs. The economic impact of its activity on the local product in the Greater Porto area was calculated at 65.2 million euros.

Sustainability policies

FEUP's Sustainability Commissariat works actively to promote sustainability policies, particularly those related to the environment. Major achievements towards a more sustainable campus include energy and water consumption, waste production, greenhouse gas emissions, green space management, organic farming, sustainable food and mobility.

One of the largest investments is the photovoltaic production unit for own consumption, with a total of 708 panels covering an area of around 1,420 m², with an estimated production of 412 MWh, representing around 7% of FEUP's annual electricity consumption and cost savings of around 50,000 euros.

In 2022, FEUP signed the Porto Climate Pact. With a focus on promoting sustainable mobility, many initiatives have been carried out in this area. It's also worth mentioning the environmental impact study carried out to estimate the institution's carbon footprint, which concluded that the majority of emissions come from commuting.

FEUP has been a member of the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges since 2009 and a founding member of the Plastics Pact since 2020. In 2019, FEUP hosted and co-organised the first Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS 2019) under the theme 'Sustainable Development: Higher Education Institutions as Agents of Change'. This was also the theme of the Letter of Commitment between the main national higher education institutions to implement a 'culture of sustainability' in the field.

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