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Initiatives - Events

Throughout the year, the Faculty of Sciences organizes and hosts various events, including those of an institutional, scientific, academic and cultural nature.

Ferreira da Silva Auditorium of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto


The Faculty of Sciences Day aims to promote cohesion and synergy between the members of the FCUP Community - Students, Technical Collaborators, Teachers and Researchers - and to bring together the entities of the University of Porto and the Society with which it has partnerships.

Musical performance by the Women's Tuna of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Awards & Honors Ceremony

The Faculty of Sciences holds its annual Awards Ceremony.

This is a day exclusively dedicated to the presentation of prizes and distinctions, in a ceremony that aims to highlight the academic career and achievements of graduates, masters and doctorates, and in which FCUP students and alumni are honored.

Students receive medals for completing their doctor degrees
FCUP Cerimonia de Prémios e Distinções

Welcoming new students

The New Student Reception marks the beginning of each academic year and a successful academic career at the Faculty of Sciences.

The program promotes various activities, with the main aim of facilitating the welcome and integration of new students.

See more information about the Welcoming New Students.

group of students talking happily on the campus of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
FCUP Receção Novos Estudantes

Other Events

In addition to institutional events, the Faculty of Sciences promotes and hosts other events of a scientific and cultural nature, such as congresses, conferences, lectures, exhibitions and book presentations. To this end, it has multifunctional spaces and services to support their organization.

See FCUP Events Agenda.

opening conference of the exhibition at the Library of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
FCUP Outros Eventos