The fulfillment of FCUP's third mission also manifests itself in its service to the community and openness to society, namely by hosting and promoting initiatives of a scientific and cultural nature, such as book presentations, exhibitions and others.

The library and the FCUP campus itself are often the scene of exhibitions open to the public, such as "50 years since the arrival of man on the moon" or "Spaces that unite us", which showed the work of students in collaboration with FAUP.

Book presentations
FCUP welcomes and promotes the presentation of books by members of its academic community or external individuals.

Photography Contest
The Photography Competition aims to highlight the interface between science, art and culture at FCUP. It is open to the entire FCUP community and aims to stimulate the creation of artistic works that express the theme proposed each year in a critical and original way.

Other cultural initiatives
FCUP recognizes the importance of cultural activities and their contribution to the education of students and the development of society. To this end, it also seeks to boost and support cultural groups and other initiatives.