The Psychological Support and Integration Service at UPorto's Campo Alegre campus (PsiCA) aims to promote the well-being of the FCUP community and the other faculties at the Campo Alegre campus. It provides specialized psychological services to students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff of these organic units.
More information about PsiCA.

At U.Porto there are 10 university residences, one of which is located on the FCUP Campus and another next to the Porto Planetarium, also close to the Faculty of Sciences.

Medical Services
All U.Porto students have at their disposal a wide and accessible range of health services, with consultations in general practice, gynecology and obstetrics, dentistry, psychiatry, nutrition, sexual health, among other specialties.
Find out how to make an appointment.

U.Porto has an extensive network of canteens, restaurants, snack bars and grills - managed by the U.Porto Social Action Services (SASUP) - where you can enjoy quality meals at affordable prices. Two of these spaces are on the FCUP Campus: a canteen and a snack bar. FCUP also has a restaurant that serves affordable meals.

Physical exercise is also part of our well-being. Next to the FCUP Campus is one of the gyms of the University of Porto Sports Center (CDUP) - the University Stadium. Open to the whole community, the UPFit Program includes more than 40 fitness, aquatic, bodybuilding, body and mind, dance and rhythm, combat, modalities and adapted sports activities. And the prices are unbeatable! Check out the information on CDUP's programs and advantages.