Guillaume Garreta

Guillaume Garreta

University of Paris-Saclay

(Non academic) International Relations

Guillaume Garreta is an alumnus of Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris (1991) and is an agrégé in Philosophy. His research interests and publications lie mainly in the field of classical and contemporary Pragmatism in relation to the epistemology of natural and social sciences. After lecturing on philosophy, epistemology and the history of science at universities Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Bordeaux-3, Guillaume served as a Programme Director at the International College of Philosophy (Paris), before becoming appointed as the Director of the French University College at the Lomonosov State University in Moscow by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2012-2016 Guillaume Garreta joined the French Embassy to Russia as a University Relations Attaché and coordinated the French-Russian network of academic and scientific cooperation. In 2016 he joined Université Paris-Saclay as the Director of International & European Affairs.
Under the authority of the presidency, and through close cooperation with the international departments of the university’s member institutions, he is responsible for the development and implementation of UPSaclay’s international initiatives with over 50 academic and scientific partners from around the world.