Cristina Freire is Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. She is member of the European Academy of Sciences, EURASC, since January 2020. Since 2nd April 2019 she is the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and since 24th April 2019 she is member of the Management Board of the University of Porto. She is a Researcher at LAQV@REQUIMTE in which she is the scientific coordinator of Thematic Line FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. Her own research group Catalysis & Functional and Smart (nano)Materials is integrated in the Research Group – Materials for Sustainability and Wellbeing. Her research area is Chemistry of Materials: preparation, functionalization and characterization of (nano)materials and nanostructured films for photo/(electro)catalysis, energy-related applications, photo/electrochromic devices, biomass valorization, chemical sensors and functional textiles. She has published 264 papers (h index 48). She supervised/es 35 post-doctoral researchers, 40 PhD students and more than 60 MsC students. She was/is the coordinator/team member of national/international projects and projects with Portuguese industry companies. She also participated in national/international evaluation panels. She is co-founder of INNOVCAT Ltd, a technology-based start-up (March 2015) with U.Porto Spin-Off seal, that aims to carry out research & development, production and commercialization of solid catalysts and functional materials for industrial applications (