Alain Beretz
EUGLOH Advisory Committee Member, University of Strasbourg
Pharmacy and Pharmacology LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Ana Castro Paiva
University of Porto
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Ana Dias
University of Porto
(Non academic) Research and Projects [email protected]
André Fernandes
University of Porto
(Non academic) Knowledge and Technology Transfer LinkedIn[email protected]
Andrea Rónavári
University of Szeged
Natural Science [email protected]
Ann-Kathrin Hertler
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Ann-Kristin Wallengren
Professor, Lund University
Arts and Humanities [email protected]
Anna Schwark
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Anne-Lise Braesch
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
António Portela
Ashley Haberman-Lawson
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) Knowledge and Technology Transfer [email protected]
Balazs Revesz
University of Szeged
Economics and Management [email protected]
Beáta Sikó
EUGLOH Student Board Member, University of Szeged
Economics and Management LinkedIn[email protected]
Bich-Liên Doan
University of Paris-Saclay
Computer Science [email protected]
Carla Lopes
University of Porto
Public health and Epidemiology LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Catarina Tavares
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Christina Grossmann
Lund University
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Claudio Sunkel
University of Porto
Natural Science Pinterest[email protected]
Csilla Ducrocq
University of Paris-Saclay
Arts and Humanities [email protected]
Dalila Azzout-Marniche
University of Paris-Saclay
Nutrition and Food Science LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Daphné Biboum
University of Paris-Saclay
Pharmacy and Pharmacology LinkedIn[email protected]
David Pereira
University of Porto
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Pinterest[email protected]
Débora Silva
University of Porto
Pharmacy and Pharmacology LinkedIn[email protected]
Delphine Placidi-Frot
University of Paris-Saclay
Political Science, International Relations, Sociology [email protected]
Dirk Erfurth
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations [email protected]
Dorine Bonte
University of Paris-Saclay
Pharmacy and Pharmacology [email protected]
Edit Paulik
University of Szeged
Public health / Epidemiology Pinterest[email protected]
Edit Tanács
University of Szeged
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Eduardo Marques
University of Porto
Physics and Chemistry LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Eric Morel
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Eva Pettinato
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Fátima Vieira
University of Porto
Arts and Humanities Pinterest[email protected]
Fernanda Ribeiro
University of Porto
Arts and Humanities [email protected]
François Pannequin
University of Paris-Saclay
Economics and Management [email protected]
Guillaume Garreta
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Helena Braga
Professor, University of Porto
Engineering Physics Pinterest[email protected]
Hervé Dole
University of Paris-Saclay
Physics and Chemistry LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Isabel Menezes
Professor, University of Porto
Psychology and Education Science Pinterest[email protected]
Isabelle Nilsson
Lund University
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations [email protected]
Isolde von Buelow
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Doctoral Training/Services for Supervisors [email protected]
Jan Borm
University of Paris-Saclay
Arts and Humanities [email protected]
Janos Bajusz
University of Szeged
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Joakim Esbjörnsson
EUGLOHRIA Work Package 2 Leader, Lund University
Cell and Microbiology LinkedIn[email protected]
Joana Resende
Pro-Rector for Strategic Planning, University of Porto
Economics and Management [email protected]
João Correia da Silva
University of Porto
Economics and Management LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
José De Sousa
University of Paris-Saclay
Economics and Management [email protected]
José Reis Campos
University of Porto
Dental Medicine Pinterest[email protected]
Julie Herrisson
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Katherine Fregnac
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Kristen Clarberg
Lund University
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
László Maróti
University of Szeged
(Non academic) Research and Projects LinkedIn[email protected]
Laurent Pépin
Business and Partnerships Director, GENOPOLE
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn
Liliana Miktova
University of Paris-Saclay
Economics and Management LinkedInPinterest[email protected]
Lilla Kocsis
University of Szeged
(Non academic) Academic Affairs LinkedIn[email protected]
Lisa Dequech
University of Porto
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Lívia Berkecz-Kovács
University of Szeged
(Non academic) Knowledge and Technology Transfer LinkedIn[email protected]
Luísa Capitão
University of Porto
(Non Academic) International Relations acapitã[email protected]
Manuel Castelo Branco
Professor, University of Porto
Economics and Management Pinterest[email protected]
Maria Inês Pinhão
University of Porto
Psychology and Education Science [email protected]
Maria Oliveira
University of Porto
(Non academic) Knowledge and Technology Transfer LinkedIn[email protected]
Michel Mariton
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) Knowledge and Technology Transfer LinkedIn[email protected]
Miguel Sousa
University of Porto
Economics and Management [email protected]
Olivier Ayazpoor
University of Paris-Saclay
Computer Science [email protected]
Pedro Graça
University of Porto
Nutrition and Food Science Pinterest[email protected]
Pedro Santiago
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Peter Kovacs
University of Szeged
Economics and Management LinkedIn[email protected]
Peter Szakal
University of Szeged
(Non academic) Academic Affairs LinkedIn[email protected]
Peter Zakar
University of Szeged
Arts and Humanities [email protected]
Rafael Miranda
University of Porto
Neuroscience [email protected]
Richard Stenelo
Lund University
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Sameea Hassim
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) Research and Projects [email protected]
Sara Westman
Lund University
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations [email protected]
Simon Märkl
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) Academic Affairs [email protected]
Sónia Pereira
University of Porto
(Non academic) Research and Projects [email protected]
Stephan Pflaum
Management Career Events and Community, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(Non academic) Communication and External Relations [email protected]
Tibor Zilahi
University of Szeged
(Non academic) International Relations [email protected]
Tito Novo
University of Porto
(Non academic) Research and Projects [email protected]
Yacine Saadaoui
University of Paris-Saclay
Pharmacy and Pharmacology LinkedIn[email protected]
Yoann Buidin-Ferrer
University of Paris-Saclay
(Non academic) International Relations LinkedIn[email protected]
Zoltán Kónya
University of Szeged
Physics and Chemistry LinkedInPinterest[email protected]