Lígia de Oliveira Lima (1969, lives in Porto), Phd in Art Education, by the Faculty of Fine Arts (University of Porto) in 2018; Master in Art, Craft and Design Education, by the University of Surrey (England) in 2000 (thesis recognized by the University of Minho, Braga, in 2001); Degree in Visual and Technological Education and Primary School Education, by Superior School of Education of Porto, in 1994; Graphic Arts by the School of Decorative Arts Soares dos Reis, Porto, in 1990; Lígia de Oliveira Lima is a teacher of Visual and Technological Education, a researcher at i2ADS – Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society and a teacher trainer in Visual and Technological Education. She has promoted and coordinated, in school context, projects in the area of plastic arts and multimedia in workshops and ateliers, namely in partnership with artists, artists educators, researchers, community and cultural and artistic institutions, such as Serralves Foundation or Casa da Imagem. She is currently the Principal Investigator/Coordinator of the seed project “Spaces for occupation of non-standard learning in Art Education” inscribed in the hub ‘IDENTIDADES_Colectivo de Acção e Investigação’ (ID_CAI), i2ADS, FBAUP. Her research interests are focused on exploring invisibility in art education, trying to act, observe and analyze territories of learning that cannot be seen, because they are not part of a previously established educational script, relating them with time and space on learning, through collaborative work.
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (FBAUP)/Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (i2ADS)