16 September 2022
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
The MAP-tele Doctoral Program in Telecommunications is a joint venture of University of Minho, University of Aveiro and University of Porto, three Portuguese Universities with a strong tradition in the area of Telecommunications Engineering. The program represents a fusion of the doctoral offers in Telecommunications in the three institutions and constitutes a unified effort to prepare highly qualified human resources in Telecommunications. The program is supported by an academic staff of more than 150 PhDs whose research and development activities cover a wide range of topics, ranging from theoretical and fundamental aspects to the experimental and applied areas of Telecommunications, and comprehends wide-ranging collaborative work with leading industries in this country and abroad. The MAP-tele Doctoral Program in Telecommunications targets both national and international audiences and is designed for excellence and competitiveness at the international level. It aims to prepare selected students for leadership in research and development careers in industry, academia and independent entrepreneurial initiatives.
The MAP-tele Workshop is organized by MAP-tele first-year students and intends to attract original, pertinent and relevant contributions on the technological, organizational and management dimensions of the largely multidisciplinary field of Telecommunications and Information Systems and Technologies.
Submissions are mandatory for MAP-Tele PhD students. Specifically second-year students should present their work as a poster and third-year (and above) students as an oral presentation, as specified in the Authors Submissions guidelines. Research centres affiliated with the three Universities (IT, IEETA, FSCOD, INESC TEC, LIACC, Centro Algoritmi, CCTC) as well as leading companies associated with the program are also invited to present their work at the Workshop.
This year’s edition (13th edition) of the MAP-tele Workshop will be hosted by Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto on 16th September.
Important dates & registration
Authors registration
Deadline: July 15th, 2022
Preliminary submission
Deadline: July 15th, 2022
Final submission
Deadline: September 14th, 2022
Participants registration
Deadline: July 29th, 2022
Authors notification
July 29nd, 2022
Final program release
September 14th, 2022
Authors Submissions
Second-year students must present their work in a poster presentation.
Preliminary Submission: 1-page abstract (maximum), previously approved by the student’s Scientific Supervisor, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] within the registration period. The abstract should describe in a clear way the area of study, the methodology, and the most relevant results obtained so far.
Final Submission: Poster, previously approved by the Scientific Supervisor, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] during the final submission period.
File format: PDF
Duration: 30 min, during the morning’s coffee break.
Print: The authors should print their own posters and bring them to the workshop.
Template/style: The authors should use the template provided by their own Faculty/Host Institution and include the MAP-tele, Faculty, and Host Institution logos.
Poster size: A1 (594 mm x 841 mm).
Orientation: Portrait.
Logos: MAP-tele Logos should be included (Logo from your institution/ Research group can be included).
Language: English
Third-year (and above) students must present their work in an oral presentation
Preliminary Submission: 2-pages (maximum) short paper, previously approved by the student’s Scientific Supervisor, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] during the registration period. The short paper should describe in a clear way the area of study, the methodology, and the most relevant results obtained so far.
Final Submission: Full paper, previously approved by the Scientific Supervisor, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] before the final submission deadline.
File format: PDF
Duration: 12 min for presentation + 3 min for Q&A.
Template/style: The authors should use for the short paper the given IEEE template (LaTeX or MS Word) and for the presentation slides the template provided by their own Faculty/Host Institution and in the latter include in the MAP-tele, Faculty, and Host Institution logos.
Paper size: A4 (210 mm × 297 mm).
Logos: MAP-tele Logos should be included (Logo from your institution/ Research group can be included).
Language: English.
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Monson Hayes
Dr. Hayes joined the faculty of George Mason University in the fall of 2014 as the Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. As a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an internationally recognized researcher for his contributions to the field of digital signal processing, he brings more than 30 years of teaching and research experience to Mason. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley, and his Masters and Sc.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While at Georgia Tech, he spent three years at GT Lorraine in Metz, France for teaching, research, and program development, and he served as ECE Associate Chair from 2005-2011. In 2011 he became a Georgia Tech Professor Emeritus. From 2011-2014 he was a Distinguished Foreign Professor at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea for research, teaching, and developing new educational programs. He has also taught courses at Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University (all in South Korea) and at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China, and at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain. More…
Image Processing: A Trek Through Time
Today we are in an age of ones and zeros, and it is often said that we are now living in a “Digital Universe.” Much of the digital data that we interact with daily is data that is captured by cameras in the form of images and video, and a tremendous amount of research is being done on how to process, analyze, describe, search, catalog, compress, transmit and store this data. Over the past forty years, research in image and video processing has followed a course that has been heavily influenced by advances in the computational power of circuits and the physical devices that are developed to capture these images. As a result, fundamental research in image and video processing has evolved from problems having a primary focus that may be described as algorithmic, processing bytes of data on relatively small data sets, to research that is becoming increasingly more experiential, capturing and displaying images as if the boundaries of the image are a window that is opened up on reality, increasingly more analytic, focusing on understanding and description, and computational, working on problems that involve massive amounts of data.
In this non-technical talk, we will begin with a historical perspective of the field of image processing and an overview of the problems that have captured the attention of researchers over the past forty years. Then, an overview of some current research opportunities will be given along with a discussion of where the short-term challenges lie. The talk will conclude with a set of proposed Grand Challenges in image and video processing that will test creativity and ingenuity of researchers over the next twenty years.
SAR: The Challenge of Miniaturization
Synthetic Aperture Radar – SAR – has been enjoying tremendous interest and development growth in recent years. Emerging constellations of small satellites providing Earth surface imaging services are one of the key drivers for such growth. The demand for shorter revisit time intervals makes SAR the sensor of choice, as it operates regardless of weather and daylight conditions. At a more local scale, the same applies to SAR operation from unmanned aerial vehicles. While constrained by the laws of Physics concerning RF transmission power and antenna gain in order to obtain viable signal budgets, miniaturization of mass and size of SAR instruments is essential.
This talk addresses the challenges of building a full SAR instrument, aiming precisely at its miniaturization. It covers both hardware and signal design and processing aspects. After a short introduction to the key elements of SAR design, antenna and RF front-end design choices are addressed. As software defined radio is relevant for versatile operation, the presented digital signal generation and capture module follows this approach. Finally, SAR signal processing for real-time image generation on embedded platforms is discussed. The presentation will be illustrated with SAR images and airborne SAR image collection campaigns footage resulting from the presented developments.
Prof. Sérgio R. Cunha
Sérgio Cunha teaches at FEUP as Assistant Professor with tenure, having a PhD in Electrical Engineering since 2001. He has focused his research career on applied Signal Processing, in fields ranging from control and navigation systems to remote sensing. During the last 15 years, he has been addressing space systems. He has more recently led the design and development of a software-defined radio-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) payload for the INFANTE satellite and is presently working towards the development of a constellation of SAR satellites.
(08:45-09:15) Registration
(09:15-09:30) Opening session
MAP-tele Program Director – Prof. Aníbal Ferreira
Organizing Committee representative
Dean of FEUP – Prof. Dr. João Falcão e Cunha
(09:30-10:30) Keynote speech i
Prof. Monson Hayes Image Processing: A Trek Through Time
(10:30-11:15) coffee-break & poster session
(11:15-12:30) Oral presentations
- Filipe Borges Height Optimization in Aerial Networks for Enhanced Broadband Communications at Sea
- André Filipe Coelho Placement and Allocation of Communications Resources in Slicing-aware Flying Networks
- Luís Rodrigues Visible Light Communication Systems Architectures for the Internet of Things
- Paulo Araújo Advanced Management and Orchestration for Multi-access Edge Computing Environments
- João Pereira Applying NDN to VANETs Using NDN Sync Protocols to quantify vehicles at traffic lights
(12:30-14:00) lunch & poster session
(14:00-15:00) keynote speech ii
Prof. Sérgio R. Cunha SAR: The Challenge of Miniaturization
(15:00-16:00) Oral presentations
- Abdelghafour Abraray Smart Beamforming Metasurfaces for Future Telecommunications
- Sanaa Finich Design and Analysis of Inverted T-Slot Antenna Based-SIW Technology for W-band Applications
- Bruno Brandão Hybrid FSO and mmWave System for Next Generation Access Networks
- Marco Fernandes Breaking the Terabit Barrier in Coherent FSO-based DCI
(16:00-16:30) Coffee-break & poster session
(16:30-17:45) cOMPANIES INSIGHTS
Eng. Jorge Carapinha
5G beyond B2C: Altice Labs experience
One of the main innovations enabled by 5G is the broadening of mobile business models, traditionally focused on Business-to-Consumer (B2C) services, to embrace Business-to-Business (B2B). 5G Private / Non-Public Networks (NPN) mobile networks, designed and deployed specifically for enterprise users, play a fundamental role in this scenario. Particularly for industrial users, meeting the stringent performance, coverage and security requirements of the new wave of Industry 4.0 applications, is absolutely key. Unlike previous generations of mobile networks, NPN requirements have been addressed directly as a primary feature in 5G standardization and development.
Altice Labs has been active in this area, through 5G experimentation and piloting activities, some of which in collaboration with relevant vertical industry partners. In this talk, Altice Labs will describe the experimentations and demonstrations done regarding the usage of 5G in several societal sectors (PPDR, energy, transportation, health), with corresponding conclusions.
Eng. André Albuquerque
Eng. Alexandre Correia
Sense #Like a Bosch: how do our cars see the world in order to drive autonomously
Imagine you no longer have to take the tedious task of driving your car to work, to school or to the supermarket. Imagine that instead you enjoy the ride by reading a book or watching your favourite movie. Imagine that car accidents are something from the past and you can go safely from one place to the other. This is our vision for mobility at Bosch: with development of new sensors, key technologies and functionalities we are contributing to make our cars safer and to enable autonomous driving. We invent technology for life. In this session, we will focus on our recent developments in terms of the sensors that make our cars able to perceive the surrounding area.
Such sensors provide the necessary information to the “brain” of the car to perceive the driving scenario, process the information and make decisions autonomously.
Eng. José Cunha
Roaming in 5G Networks
In the 4G we had a static network with a set of characteristics associated with its definition and that was the minimum requirement for the setup.
With 5G we will have a dynamic network with the usage of slicing in order to have the network splitted into several functional components.
Some of these components are oriented towards massive data, others to multi devices and others related to low latency.
The challenge happens when we move through the boundaries of the countries and we want to maintain the same 5G services that we have in our home operator.
How can the visitor operator provide the same 5G services in this case?
What happens with the billing process?
These are some of the major questions regarding Roaming in 5G Networks.
(17:45-18:00) cLOSING sESSION
MAP-tele Program Director – Prof. Aníbal Ferreira
Organizing Committee representative
Scientific Committee representative
(18:00-18:30) PORTO D'HONRA
Steering Committee
Prof. Aníbal Ferreira
Prof. Henrique Salgado
Workshop Chairs
Paulo Correia
João Santos
Scientific committee
Paulo Correia
João Santos
Kamran Shafafi
Mohamed Ghatas
Eronmhon Ogobor
Communication committee
João Santos
Kamran Shafafi
Eronmhon Ogobor
Logistics committee
Eronmhon Ogobor
Mohamed Ghatas
Kamran Shafafi
Participating COMPANIES
The MAP-tele Workshop 2022 will take place at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) in the Noble Amphitheater (Room B032).
FEUP, with its origins in the 18th century, is the engineering faculty of the University of Porto, in Porto, Portugal.