AIPES welcomes:
- full length papers (of up to 12 pages, according to EPIA guidelines)
- short papers (up to 6 pages), demonstrating practical applications. Authors of demonstration papers are invited to show a demonstration of their work during the EPIA poster session
Panel Session
The panel session addresses the current and future contributions of Artificial Intelligence for shaping more efficient and sustainable power and energy systems, able to ensure a consumer centric approach and foster innovative business opportunities.
The session will start with brief presentations by a panel of academic and industry experts pointing to hot open questions and issues in power and energy systems as well as to the emergent and foreseen solutions. Participants are invited of actively participate in the discussion that will follow the presentations. Please feel free to bring your own vision and concerns and put them on the table!
Confirmed panelists:
- Vladimiro Miranda, INESC TEC & FEUP, Portugal
- Hugo Morais, EDF, France
- Alexandre Neto, NEW R&D, Portugal
- João Peças Lopes, INESC TEC & FEUP, Portugal
- Marc Roelands, Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium
- Jan Segerstam, Empower, Finland
Some open discussion topics:
- AI as an enabler of more efficient Power and Energy Systems
- AI in Power and Energy Systems: Research vs. Industry
- Role of AI to gather the hidden value of data
- AI for intelligent IoT
- Data ownership and security as barriers
- Empowerment of medium and small players through AI
- AI to shape more efficient consumer centric approaches
- AI to foster innovative business opportunities
Societies are highly dependent on electricity use to ensure safe, reliable, and comfortable living. The increase of electricity demand is expected to continue in the future and it is considered a crucial requirement for economic development. Concerns about the impact of electricity use in the environment and about the eventual fuel based primary source shortage are presently taken as very serious at scientific, economic and politic levels. These concerns have led to intensive research and to new energy policies envisaging the increased use of renewable energy sources for electricity production and increased energy use efficiency.
In such a dynamic, complex, and competitive environment as the power and energy sector, the use of artificial intelligence is of crucial importance to enable taking full advantage from the opportunities in the field in order to overcome the challenges that are constantly arising.
This track aims at bringing together different experiences in the application of artificial intelligence to power and energy problems. This track targets the contribution of the main international experts in the field, both from academia and industry.
Topics of interest
- Agent-based Smart Grid Simulation
- Big Data Applications for Energy Systems
- Coalitions and Aggregations of Smart Grid and Market Players
- Consumer Profiling
- Context Aware Systems
- Data-Mining Approaches in Smart Grids
- Decision Support Approaches for Smart Grids
- Demand Response Aggregation
- Demand Response Integration in the Market
- Demand Response Remuneration Methods
- Electric vehicles
- Electricity Market Modelling and Simulation
- Electricity Market Negotiation Strategies
- Energy Resource Management in Buildings
- Information technology applications
- Innovative Demand Response Models and Programs
- Innovative Energy Tariffs
- Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Power System
- Intelligent Approaches for Microgrid Management
- Intelligent Home Management Systems
- Intelligent methods for Demand Management
- Intelligent Resources Scheduling
- Intelligent Supervisory Control Systems
- Knowledge-based approaches for Power and Energy Systems
- Load Forecast
- Market Models for Variable Renewable Energy
- Multi-Agent Applications for Smart Grids
- Multi-Agent Systems in Power and Energy Systems
- Other Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for Power and Energy Systems
- Phasor Measurement Units Applications
- Real-time simulation
- Reliability, Protection and Network Security Methods
- Renewable Energy Forecast using Computational Intelligence
- Semantic communication and data
- Smart Sensors and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Organizing Committee
Zita Vale, ISEP / GECAD, Porto, Portugal
Pedro Faria, ISEP / GECAD, Porto, Portugal
Juan Manuel Corchado, University of Salamanca, Spain
Tiago Pinto, University of Salamanca, Spain
Program Committee
Alexandre Alves da Silva, General Electric Global Research, Brazil
Ana Estanqueiro, LNEG−National Research Institute, Portugal
António Gomes Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Bo Norregaard Jorgensen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Carlos Ramos, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Chen-Ching Liu, Washington State University, Pullman, USA
Dagmar Niebur Drexel University, USA
Fernando Lopes, LNEG−National Research Institute, Portugal
Gerhard Krost, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Germano Lambert-Torres, Dinkart Systems, Brazil
Goreti Marreiros, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Gustavo Figueroa, Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Mexico
Hélder Coelho, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Isabel Praça, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Jan Segerstam, Empower IM Oy, Finland
João P. S. Catalão, University of Porto, Portugal
João Peças Lopes, University of Porto, Portugal
João Tomé Saraiva, University of Porto, Portugal
José Rueda, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Juan F. De Paz, University of Salamanca, Spain
Kevin Tomsovic, University of Tennessee, USA
Kwang Y. Lee, Baylor University, USA
Maxime Lefrancois, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nouredine Hadj-Said, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France
Nuno Fidalgo, University of Porto, Portugal
Olivier Boissier, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Pablo Ibarguengoytia, Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Mexico
Peter Kadar, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Rui Castro, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Seung-Jae Lee (Paul), Myongji University, Korea
Vladimiro Miranda, University of Porto, Portugal
Zbigniew Antoni Styczynski, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany