Philipp Slusallek
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Philipp Slusallek is Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), where he heads the research area Agents and Simulated Reality. At Saarland University he has been a professor for Computer Graphics since 1999, a Principle Investigator at the German Excellence-Cluster on “Multimodal Computing and Interaction” since 2007, and Director for Research at the Intel Visual Computing Institute since 2009. Before coming to Saarland University, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University. His research covers
a wide range of topics including real-time realistic graphics, novel rendering and lighting algorithms, motion synthesis, artificial intelligence and multi-agent technology, high-performance computing, computational 3D imaging, service-oriented architectures and 3D-Internet technology, efficient semantic communication, smart systems security, and others.
Simon M. Lucas
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex
Simon Lucas is a professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex (UK) where he is the Head of School and leads the Game Intelligence Group. He holds a PhD degree (1991) in Electronics and Computer Science from the University of Southampton. His main research interests are games, evolutionary computation, and machine learning, and he has published widely in these fields with over 180 peer-reviewed papers. He is the inventor of the scanning n-tuple classifier, is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games and co-founded the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. His main research area now is developing and applying computational intelligence techniques to build better game AI, better games, and provide deep insights into the nature of intelligence.
Francesco Bonchi
Research Leader at the ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy
Francesco Bonchi is Research Leader at the ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy, where he leades the “Algorithmic Data Analytics” group. He is also Scientific Director for Data Mining at Eurecat (Technological Center of Catalunya), Barcelona. Before he was Director of Research at Yahoo Labs in Barcelona, Spain, where he was leading the Web Mining Research group. His recent research interests include mining query-logs, social networks, and social media, as well as the privacy issues related to mining these kinds of sensible data. In the past he has been interested in data mining query languages, constrained pattern mining, mining spatiotemporal and mobility data, and privacy preserving data mining.