EPIA’17 invites submissions to the Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, SDIA. The goal of this symposium is to provide an informal environment where students in early stages of their doctoral research can present their main research ideas and discuss them with other students and the senior scientific community.
List of accepted papers
Argumentation Mining from Text Using Semantic Approaches
Gil Rocha
Scaling-up organization of documents sets to facilitate their analysis – Thesis Research Proposal
Rui Portocarrero Sarmento
Tensor-based Approaches for Evolving Social Network Analysis
Sofia Fernandes, João Gama and Hadi Tork
OMG ! Another approach to provide emotional state analysis
Ricardo Martins, Paulo Novais and Pedro Henriques
Variable Selection in Multivariate Calibration considering Non-Decomposability Assumption and Building Blocks Hypothesis
Lauro de Paula
An Agent-Based Approach towards Crime Prediction: Evaluating the Potential of Environmental Factors and Human Dynamics to Model Offender Behavior
Raquel Rosés Brüngger
Efficient Representation of Evolutionary Algorithms for Phylogenetic Inference
Kelton de Sousa Santiago
Knowledge Discovery from Textual Databases (KDT) in the Projects Environment
Cleopatra Mushonga, Philip Pretorius, Carin Venter and Daan De Villiers