10:00h Opening and Welcome Speech
José Azevedo (FLUP)
Ademar Aguiar (FEUP)
10:15h Film, Music and Qualitative Methods /
Researching Creativity
Presentation and Moderation
Carlos Guedes (ESMAE / FEUP)
Music, Reason and Emotion: Understanding and exploring through BCI (Brain Computer Interface) the duality/unity of determinant constituents of human behavior and condition practice
Horácio Tomé Marques
Sound, Space and Identity
Filipe Lopes
Optimized Facial Rigging and Animation
Pedro Bastos
11:15h Coffee Break
11:30h Marketing and New Media /
Survey Design, Development and Application
Presentation and Moderation
Joana Resende (FEP)
Digital Film Economics: A cross-country analysis of the demand for online films. How will the new technologies affect the film consumers and how going digital and online could help independent filmmakers?
Fernando Governo
Buzz about Science: Is guerrilla marketing a valid approach for the public communication of science?
Paulo Fontes
User Experiences in Real Time Digital Advertising with an Implemented Augmented Reality Application
Jasmina Stoyanova
12:30h Lunch
14:30h Models Design and Model Thinking: Usability and Validation /
User Experience Design
Presentation and Moderation
Nuno Correia (UNL)
User Experience Methods for iTV Interface Design
Bruno Nobre
Emotional Response and Bridging Ties on Social Networks
Carlos Figueiredo
15:30h Coffee Break
15:45h Methods for Studying Technological Innovation /
Journalism and Digital Media Challenges
Presentation and Moderation
Heitor Alvelos (FBAUP)
TravelPlot Porto: Addressing the data collection challenges of a nomadic transmedia audience
Soraia Ferreira
Training and Certification on Serious Games
Ricardo Batista
16:45h Closing Session
Artur Pimenta Alves (FEUP / INESC)
Sharon Strover (UT Austin)