Composing assessment for the multimodal classroom
Date and time
Monday, 15 June 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET – WATCH THIS WEBINAR
James LAMB
Assistant Director of Lothians Equal Access Programme for Schools (LEAPS), in Edinburgh
Background and Summary
A wander through the corridors of the university reminds us that academic knowledge can be constructed differently across the disciplines. As we peer into seminar rooms, studios and performance spaces we will see students displaying their ability through words, images and sounds respectively. However the growing digital influence within higher education means it becomes increasingly possible to take a multimodal approach in the construction of academic knowledge. For instance, a student faced with a conventional essay question might respond by creating a video where she represents her ideas through a simultaneous juxtaposition of photographs, text captions and a musical soundtrack.
In this session, I will argue that the increasingly digital nature of teaching and learning in higher education calls us for to fully consider the possibilities of multimodal assessment and feedback. I will begin with a short presentation where I contextualise the subject though reference to multimodal literature (particularly drawing on the work of Carey Jewitt and Gunther Kress) before posing questions for discussion. I will conclude the session by briefly describing two examples of multimodal assessment and feedback in practice.
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