Assessment Strategy: Managing and Supporting Assessment Designers
Date and time
Wednesday, 18 February 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET – WATCH THIS WEBINAR
Chair of Humanities Programmes in the Open Education Unit, Dublin City University
Elaine WALSH
Digital Pedagogy Advisor/Academic Management and Development, Dublin City University
Background and Summary
Assessment has the potential to be a driving pedagogically instrument in third level education. The function of assessment should not merely be to measure learning, it should be an occasion for students to engage with, enjoy and develop their learning.
Established in 1982, the Open Education Unit, as part of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), is the main provider of online, ‘off-campus’ programmes in Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland. In 2012, the humanities programme team launched a project aimed at enhancing the quality of assessment writing. The project began with the development of a guide for designing and writing assessments for online distance education students. In 2013, an audit of the programme learning outcomes and their inherent assessment types was conducted, with some deficiencies being identified. Prior to this project, assessment type was determined by individual assessment writers and often tended to rely on essay-style assessments and end-of-year examination. The appropriate assessment types required to provide students with reasonable opportunities to achieve the programme learning outcomes, as well as each module’s learning outcomes, were incorporated into the programme. This resulted in the creation of an assessment matrix, which involved a structured and transparent programme-level plan for the assessments across all modules within a flexible modular programme, where students may take a number of different progression routes. With the introduction of multiple assessment types (for example, online discussion and group work), rose the need for additional support and training for assessment writers. In 2014 the team developed an online assessment writers resource and delivered associated training workshops. One of the main realisations of the project was that there is need for the distinct linkage of programme learning outcomes, module learning outcomes, assessment type, evaluation criteria and feedback criteria.
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