The consortium planned a collection of webinars around project related subjects.
Ask your Learning Outcomes what you should be Assessing
26 September 2014 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Talks on E-assessment and Learning Outcomes:
Content analysis and critical thinking – An Assessment Study
21 January 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Assessment Strategy: Managing and Supporting Assessment Designers
18 February 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Reflections on collaborative assessment: materiality, dialogue and group connoisseurship
22 April 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
A journey through the assessment and feedback landscape: from principles to effective practice
20 May 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Composing assessment for the multimodal classroom
15 June 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Mind the Gap! Perceptual differences and learning
16 September 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
Be aware what you are asking for! Assessment criteria and analytics.
21 October 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE
The TALOE web tool
11 November 2015 [watch webinar]
Organized by SRCE