TALOE project will be presented during one of the parallel workshops at the 2015 eucen Annual Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 June 2015, hosted and co-organised by Bogazici University. The event is expected to have over 150 participants.
The three days long 2015 eucen Annual Conference intends to offer a novel approach to Lifelong Learning (LLL), discussing ways to develop a strong link between the actors involved in ULLL, the concepts at stake and their applications.
One of the three sub-topics of the Conference is diversity in learning, which refers to the new forms of learning appearing these days within universities, consisting in either pedagogical developments (i.e. problem solving, case reasoning, reverse learning, etc.) or technological ones (i.e. e-learning, distance learning, etc.). The questions that the Conference tries to answer are: how does ULLL manage those different types of learning? What kind of changes does ULLL need to operate on their learning provision? How are the different types of learning recognised? How do ULLLs anticipate and manage their new roles for diverse form of learning?
It is within this subtopic that the TALOE project will be presented to the public, in the context of a dedicated interactive workshop consisting of a presentation followed by a Q&A session. Participants will have the chance to learn about TALOE, see the recently developed webtool and share their experiences and visions on its use.