Category Archives: Events

Recording of TALOE webinar “Be aware what you are asking for! Assessment criteria and analytics.” is now available

The TALOE consortium held another successful webinar on 21 October about how essential it is to design assessment that encourages a deep approach to learning as well as assessment methods that are clearly connected with intended learning outcomes of the study program or the course. The presenter was Blaženka Divjak, professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics.

The recording is available here, and the previous webinars of the series are available here.

New TALOE webinar: “Be aware what you are asking for! Assessment criteria and analytics.”

A new webinar “Be aware what you are asking for! Assessment criteria and analytics.” is due on 21 October 2015 at 11.00 CET, as part of the TALOE webinar seriesTalks on e-assessment and learning outcomes”. The lecturer will be Blaženka Divjak, professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics. She is going to discuss how assessment guides student learning in higher education. She highlights the importance of designing an assessment that encourage deep approach to learning as well as assessment methods that are clearly connected with intended learning outcomes of the study program or the course. In the webinar two case studies will be presented dealing with creation of assessment rubrics, their implementation and follow up learning analytics.

Participants can join the webinar at without previous registration. In the upper right corner on login page you can change the language to English by selecting the flag icon. To join the webinar Login as guest and enter your name.

You can comment the seventh topic and put questions to the presenters in advance here. The recording of the previous webinars of the series are available here, and so will be all the future webinars.

Final seminar of project TALOE

TALOE project will deliver its final seminar on Tuesday 17th November 2015, in Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Learn and experiment the webtool to propose assessment methods related with type of learning outcomes/competences.

The registration is free however seats are limited. You can register by sending an email to [email protected] with your full name, job title, organization and contact details such as email address, telephone and postal address. Confirmation of availability will be sent by email.

For more information about this final event please ckick here!

Recording of TALOE webinar “Mind the Gap! Perceptual differences and learning” is now available

The TALOE consortium hold another successful webinar on 16 September about  different gaps teachers and students face every day – generational gaps, gaps in understanding, expectation gaps, gaps in literacy, intention gaps – which can be widened or narrowed by using technology. The presenter was Steve Wheeler, associate professor of Learning Technology in Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth University.

The recording is available here, and the previous webinars of the series are available here.