The TALOE Partnership is organising its second webinar of the “Talks on E-assessment and Learning Outcomes” on 18 February 2015, starting at 11:00 CET. The webinar’s title is “Assessment Strategy: Managing and Supporting Assessment Designers“. The presenters from Dublin City University, Elaine Walsh and James Brunton are going to introduce their project launched in 2012 by the humanities programme team of the Open Education Unit, aimed at enhancing the quality of assessment writing. In 2014 the team developed an online assessment writers resource and delivered associated training workshops. One of the main realisations of the project was that there is need for the distinct linkage of programme learning outcomes, module learning outcomes, assessment type, evaluation criteria and feedback criteria.
You can comment this topic and put questions to the presenters in advance here.
Participants can join the webinar at without previous registration. All the webinar recordings will be made available on the TALOE website, you can replay the first webinar already by clicking here.