On 26 and 27 June, the partners of the project Building Learning Societies met in Loughborough (UK) in order to foster the development and promotion of a European campaign on validation, and also draw policy recommendations. Building Learning Societies is a project aiming to develop and implement a campaign for the validation of learning outcomes of non-formal and informal learning (NFIL).
The next important meeting of the partnership will be their final conference entitled “Achieving validation of learning outcomes – best practices and the way forward” on 14 October when the European Guide for forwarding participation and raising awareness on validation of NFIL will be launched. The conference concluding the project will present the best practices of validation of learning outcomes from national level and give a possibility to the education and training stakeholders, social partners, civil society organizations, and representatives of European Institutions to exchange views on the further steps in order to promote the validation and recognition of learning outcomes. The conference will be hosted by Julie Ward, MEP (UK Labour party, S&D Group).